The SG5RG-LATAM Chairman, Mr Miguel Felipe Anzola Espinosa announced that the next meeting of the SG5RG-LATAM meeting is due to take place on 10 November 2020. The meeting will be preceded by the 10th International Spectrum Congress: "Engine of economic and Social growth" hosted by the National Agency for Spectrum, Colombia.
More information on SG5RG-LATAM is available at
ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG5RG-AP)
Collaboration matters and Information Sharing
The following TDs were presented by TSB and were noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:
TD1536-R7 EMF Background paper
TD1529 AI for Good Summit
TD1533 New Global Portal
TD1490 U4SSC
TD1637 Events on E-waste and EMF-African region
TD1502 BSG e-learning course: A.1 online course
TD1506 Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups
The following information on Workshops, Training and Forums of interest to ITU-T SG5 were presented by TSB and were noted during the ITU-T SG5 plenary:
Session on "Using international standards to build smart sustainable cities and tackle climate change, e-waste and nature loss", 15 October 2020
ITU-T SG5 Newcomer session
The following documents were briefly presented and noted during the ITU-T SG5 opening plenary:
TD1505 Presentation on ITU-T Study Group 5 "Environment, climate change and circular economy" TD1475 ITU-T Study Group 5: Newcomer Welcome Pack TD1476 ITU-T Study Group 5 Work programmeTD1478 Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU A-series RecommendationTD1507 Template for A.1 justification information: Format for describing a proposed new Recommendation in the work programmeTD1508 Template for A.13 justification information: Format for describing a proposed new non-normative document in the work
programmeTD1509 Template for A.25 justification information: Format for documenting a study group or working party decisionNewcomers were invited to contact the ITU-T SG5 Secretariat should they be interested in receiving a presentation for newcomers.
Working Party meetings
- The draft Report of Working Party 1/5 can be found in TD1500-R2
- The draft Report of Working Party 2/5 can be found in TD1501-R2.
Question 8/5 - Guides and terminology on environment and climate change
During this meeting, Q8/5 achieved the following key outcomes:
Q8/5 experts discussed the new IEC version 6 template. The template is strongly integrating with Microsoft Word and some Word existing functions become inaccessible.
Additionally, Q8/5 experts reviewed 5 incoming liaison statements and prepared the respective responses.
The meeting report of Question 8/5 can be found in TD1498-R1.
Working Party 1/5 - EMC, lightning protection, EMF
Working Party 1/5 has made significant progress and achieved the following key outcomes:
Question 1/5 - Protection of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure from electromagnetic surges
The Rapporteur of Q1/5 (Mr Chuanyou Dai) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1481-R3, which was approved without modifications.
Three Contributions and five TD documents relevant to Q1/5 were received and discussed during the meeting. The Work programme was updated for completion dates and on editors.
During the meeting, it was agreed to submit draft revised Recommendation ITU-T K.35 “Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites" for consent. The additional review texts for draft Recommendations ITU-T K.56 “Protection of radio base stations against lightning discharges" and ITU-T K.112 “Lightning protection, earthing and bonding: Practical procedures for radio base stations" were prepared. However, the texts are pending confirmation from the expert from Greece who submitted the comments.
During this meeting one new work item, draft Recommendation ITU-T K.HVAC_400Vdc “Electrical safety and lightning protection of medium voltage input and up to 400VDC output power system in data center and telecommunication room", was discussed and agreed.
One incoming liaison statement TD1553, “LS/i/r on a new Work Item for Surge Protective Device Module (reply to SG5-LS153) [from IEC SC37A]" was received. Based on the discussion held within Q1/5, it was agreed to prepare the draft reply as contained in TD1577-R1.
The report of Q1/5 meeting is contained in TD1491-R1.
Question 2/5 - Equipment resistibility and protective componentsThe Rapporteur of Q2/5 (Mr Mick Maytum) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in
TD1482-R1, which was approved without modifications.
Fourteen Contributions and five liaison statements where discussed and reviewed. During the meeting three Supplements, three corrigendum's and one new Recommendation were completed. Q2/5 experts reviewed the incoming liaison statement
TD1521 on Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Power over Data Lines (PoDL) [from IEEE 802.3 Working Group]. This LS provided 81 comments on Recommendation ITU-T K.147 “Ethernet port resistibility testing for overvoltages and overcurrents", some of which entailed redrawing Figures. Due to time constraint, a full review of
TD1521 could not completed.
The report of Q2/5 meeting is contained in
Question 3/5 - Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from information and communication technologies (ICTs)
The Rapporteur of Q3/5 (Mr Fryderyk Lewicki) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1483-R3, which was approved with modifications.
During ten Q3/5 sessions, 21 input documents (including 11 Contributions) have been discussed.
Three Recommendations were revised and submitted for consent: ITU-T K.91 “Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of the human exposure to RF EMF", the Recommendation ITU-T K.70 “Mitigation techniques to limit human exposure to EMF's within vicinity of radiocommunication stations" and Recommendation ITU-T K.145 “Assessment and management of compliance with RF EMF exposure limits for workers at radiocommunication sites and facilities" in which the new Appendix with example of the use of an RF exposimeter was added.
Three input Liaison Statements have been considered and noted. The outgoing Liaison Statement providing information on the results of Q3/5 virtual meeting to ITU-R and ITU-D was prepared in order to continue the good collaboration with both Sectors.
The document “Background paper on Implementing 5G for Good: Does EMF Matter?" received from ITU Office for Europe was extensively discussed and many improvements were proposed.
Contributions with information on results of assessment of the RF EMF exposure from 5G systems was received and will be used in development and revision of the ITU-T Recommendations and Supplements.
Many informative documents have been discussed and will be used to enrich the future work of Q3/5. The work programme has been discussed, updated and approved.
The report of Q3/5 meeting is contained in TD1493-R2.
Question 4/5 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues arising in the telecommunication environment
The Co-rapporteurs of Q4/5 (Mr Beniamino Gorini/ Mr Xing Hai Zhang) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1484-R2, which was approved with modifications.
All documents related to Question 4/5 were discussed in the meeting segments from 19 to 21 October 2020. Seven technical Contributions were received and discussed.
Recommendations submitted for consent are:
- Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.pim "Passive intermodulation test methods of array antenna systems in mobile communication
systems"; ref.: SG5-TD1584
- Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T K.34 “Classification of electromagnetic environmental conditions for telecommunication equipment
Basic EMC Recommendation"; ref.: SG5-TD1589
Progress was made on the following work items:
- Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.123 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for electrical equipment in telecommunication
facilities"; the second draft was discussed and revised (ref.: SG5-TD1563).
- New draft Recommendation ITU-T K.plc.emc "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for outdoor
equipment and installation using power line communication technology"; the first draft was produced (ref.: SG5-TD1570-R1).
- Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.137 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for wireline
telecommunication network equipment"; the second draft was produced (ref.: SG5-TD1585).
- New draft Recommendation ITU-T K.power_emc of “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for power equipment
in telecommunication facilities"; the second draft was produced (ref.: SG5-TD1607).
A Contribution on the future work of Recommendation ITU-T K.43 “Immunity requirements for telecommunication network equipment" was discussed (ref.: SG5-C-691). It was decided to check the scopes of the existing EMC Recommendations to verify whether ITU-T K.43 should be revised or withdrawn because requirements might be already covered by other Recommendations.
A new Contribution on the issues with CDNs for surge immunity test in IEC 61000-4-5 was also discussed (ref.: SG5-C-705) and it was agreed to consider this for the adoption of IEC 61000-4-5 Ed.2 or Ed.3 in ITU-T EMC Recommendations. Moreover, it was agreed to perform further investigations to check if the test methods in Ed.2 or Ed.3 of IEC 61000-4-5 are equivalent.
Q4/5 work programme was reviewed and updated.
The liaison statements assigned to Q4/5 were discussed and responses were prepared, where required.
The report of Q4/5 meeting is contained in TD1494-R1.
Question 5/5 - Security and reliability of information and communication technology (ICT) systems from electromagnetic and particle radiations
The Rapporteur of Q5/5 (Mr Yuichiro Okugawa) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1485-R2, which was approved without modifications.
Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.soft_dev, “Information of semiconductor devices required for design of telecommunication equipment applying soft error mitigation measures" (TD1568-R1) and drat revised Recommendation ITU-T K.78, “High altitude electromagnetic pulse immunity guide for telecommunication centres" (TD1537-R1) were reviewed, discussed and submitted for consent.
The report of Q5/5 meeting is contained in TD1495-R2.
Working Party 2/5 - Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy
Working Party 2 has made significant progress and has achieved the following key outcomes:
Question 6/5 - Achieving energy efficiency and smart energy
The Rapporteur of Q6/5 (Ms Qi Shuguang) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1486-R3, which was approved with modifications.
All nine (9) Contributions were reviewed and the documents under study were improved based on the contributions received. Three (3) incoming liaison statements were discussed and six (6) outgoing liaisons were prepared.
Based on discussions that took place in Q6/5, it was agreed to propose for consent new draft Recommendation ITU-T L.Proc_DC “Procurement Criteria for Sustainable Data Centres" and for agreement draft Supplement ITU-T L.Suppl.scoring_tool “Scoring tool to assess the sustainability performance of office buildings".
Q6/5 held a meeting together with ETSI EEPS. The incoming Liaisons from ETSI were discussed and draft replies were prepared.
The following new work items including ITU-T L.ESE “Evaluation method of Safety and Energy saving for power supply system in telecommunication room/buildings", L.Spec_EdgeDC “Specification of Edge Data Centre infrastructure", L.EEMDC “Energy Efficiency in Micro Data Centre for Edge Computing" and L. Energy_sav_Cloud & Edge “Energy saving design for Data Centre considering harmonization of Cloud and Edge", L.Suppl.scoring_tool “Scoring tool to assess the sustainability performance of office buildings" were created.
Q6/5 experts progressed on the following draft Recommendation based on the Contributions received:
Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.SM_EN “Smart energy for cities and home applications" Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.PSU_for server “Methodologies for evaluating the functionality and performance of power supply
unit configured for servers", Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.EAS_network slicing “Energy-Aware States network slicing".
The report of Q6/5 meeting is contained in
Question 7/5 - Circular economy including e-waste
The Rapporteur of Q7/5 (Ms Nevine Tewfik) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1487-R2, which was approved with modifications.
Q7/5 on e-waste and circular economy received a total of 18 Contributions which were discussed during this ITU-T SG5 meeting. The following work items were addressed and new baseline documents were produced to continue the work during the interim period:
Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.GSP “General principles for the green supply chain management of ICT manufacturing industry";Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.HL_e-waste “Guide for the institutions of higher learning to contribute in the effective management of
e-waste";Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.SM_B “Sustainable Management of Batteries";Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.ARCH_EoL_CE and L.methodology_arch.
In addition, experts agreed to submit the updated baseline document of Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.SEEQ for consent at this meeting as found in TD1597. Experts also agreed to submit for consent the revised Recommendation ITU-T L.1031 as found in TD1603 to ITU-T SG5.
Four new work items were agreed by experts, including the merging of L.ARCH_EoL_CE and L.methodology_arch into one work item; TD1609-R2 based on C696 Proposed new work item on L.TWS "Method for Evaluation of the Environmental and Safety Performance of True Wireless Stereo Products" and TD1608 based on C722 offered the A.13 justification for proposed new ITU-T Supplement in the work programme: L.Suppl.resource_sav “Examples of resource saving by using ICT technologies".
Four outgoing liaisons were drafted: addressed to ISO TC 323 identifying a liaison officer, to ETSI TC EEPS and to ITU-T SG17. The work programme was reviewed and amended as needed and e- meetings were set for the interim period. A number of Contributions were received as food for thought. They will be considered for possible new work items in the future.
The report of Q7/5 meeting is contained in TD1497-R1.
Question 9/5 - Climate change and assessment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Co-rapporteurs of Q9/5 (Mr Jean Manuel Canet/ Ms Pernilla Bergmark) opened the meeting and presented the draft agenda contained in TD1489-R3, which was approved with modifications.
The Supplement Suppl.L.TrajectoriesManSupp giving guidance to ICT manufacturers on setting 1.5°C aligned targets compliant with Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 has been actively discussed. A final version submitted for agreement has been finalised and is available in TD1569-R3.
Two new work items have been agreed, with the objectives:
- To develop a Supplement addressing the Connect 2030 objective 3.4 and to identify Q9/5 deliverables to be updated or initiated in the
future. The work item description is contained in TD1583-R1 for approval.
- To develop a new Recommendation addressing the definition of net-zero for the ICT sector and the actions of the ICT sector to
contribute to the net-zero target globally. The work item description is contained in TD1590-R2 for approval.
Moreover, the Korean Green New Deal was presented, and experts agreed that this initiative addresses similar topics covered in the scope of Q9/5.
As far as the WTSA preparation is concerned, the experts reviewed the WTSA Action Plan and the Q9/5 description. The discussions highlighted the importance of biodiversity and the work performed by Q9/5 with respect to trajectories aligned by the 1.5C target.
The report of Q9/5 meeting is contained in TD1499-R4.
Rapporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)
The complete list of planned meetings can be found here.
Updates in the SG5 Management Team and Rapporteurs:
- Click here for the complete list of SG5 Rapporteurs and Associate rapporteurs.
- Click here for the complete list of SG5 Liaison rapporteurs and other representative roles.
- Click here for the complete list of SG5 management team.
Focus Group on “Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies" (FG-AI4EE)
The FG-AI4EE Co-chairman, Mr Paolo Gemma, provided a brief overview of the progress of the three FG-AI4EE Working Groups, namely:
- Working Group 1: Requirements of AI and other Emerging Technologies to Ensure Environmental Efficiency
- Working Group 2: Assessment and Measurement of the Environmental Efficiency of AI and Emerging Technologies
- Working Group 3: Implementation Guidelines of AI and Emerging Technologies for Environmental Efficiency
The Focus Group organized its first working group meetings between 28 to 30 September 2020, which was attended by over 30 experts. FG-AI4EE Co-chairman also encouraged interested experts to contribute to the work of the FG-AI4EE.
The next meeting of the FG-AI4EE is planned to take place on 10 December 2020. The meeting will be preceded by the First Workshop on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies on 9 December 2020.
The FG-AI4EE website is available here.
Special session on ITU-T Study Group 5 future and WTSA preparations
A special session to discuss ITU-T SG5 future in preparation of WTSA-20 was held on Tuesday, 20 October 2020.
During the session, the following documents were discussed:
TD1543 WTSA Report Part I on revision to Resolution 2 and WTSA Report Part II on Questions proposed for study during the next Study Period (2020-2024).
ITU-T SG5 experts agreed to remove reference to quality of service (QoS) in SG5 part of Resolution 2. Additionally, experts slightly revised the proposed ToR for Questions A “Electrical protection, reliability, safety and security of ICT systems" and Question I “Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement". Experts also agreed to add reference to the WSIS action lines and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The outcome of the discussion is contained in the outgoing liaison statement addressed to TSAG, as contained in TD1632. The latest version of WTSA Report Part I and Part II are contained in TD1618-R1 and TD1617.
Dates of the next ITU-T SG5 meeting
The next meeting of ITU-T SG5 is planned to take place virtually in 2021.