ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Question 7

​​International mobile roaming issues (including charging, accounting and settlement mechanisms and roaming at border areas)

(Continuation of Question 7/3)


Cross-border connectivity is an increasing topic of relevance to certain developing regions in the world.
The global economy is increasingly dependent on reliable, cost-effective, competitive and affordable mobile communications technology. International mobile roaming is a service that allows mobile users to continue to use their mobile phone or other mobile device to make and receive voice calls and text messages, browse the internet, and send and receive emails, while visiting another country.
Roaming extends the coverage of the home operator’s current, emerging, and other future services.​


The study of international mobile roaming, with a view to enhancing access, availability and affordability for users worldwide.​


The tasks to be undertaken by this Question include:
Texts under development: D.IoT/M2M Roaming.

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG3 work programme​.

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