Competition policy and relevant market definitions related to the economic aspects of international telecommunication services and networks
(Continuation of Question 10/3)
Competition policy plays a central role in the growth and the evolution of the telecommunications sector. It has long been recognized that competitive markets benefit consumers, in terms of the diversity, affordability and quality of services, and stimulate innovation and economic development as a whole.
Relevant market definitions as they relate to international telecommunication services and networks.
The tasks to be undertaken by this Question include:
- The study of relevant market definitions, with a view to enabling Member States to identify where significant market power (SMP) exists (or other kinds of market dominance).
- Determination of whether regulatory asymmetries may be needed, in special measures to help ensure transparency and equality in any relevant markets.
- Terms and definitions for recommendations or studies dealing with this question.
Texts under development: D.CrossBorderSMP, D.DynamicTariff, and D.NumberPort.
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG3 work programme.
Study Groups
Standardization bodies
- Regional and International Organizations
WSIS Action Lines
Sustainable Development Goals