The Collaborative Team on Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary (CT-CCVOCAB) was established to collaboratively develop a common text for an ITU-T Recommendation | ISO/IEC International Standard on cloud computing overview and vocabulary. The Collaborative Team (CT) for Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary was open to the experts from ITU-T Study Group 13 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38/WG 3. CT meetings shall be collocated and sequential with Collaborative Team on Cloud Computing for Reference Architecture.
The CT-CCVOCAB was co-chaired by Jamil Chawki and Annie Sokol.
Base developments
The goal of the project is the development of Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary based on the two documents:
- Draft new Recommendation Y.CCdef Cloud Computing Definition and Vocabulary from ITU-T Q.26/13 (latest text in TD 53 (WP6/13)).
- ISO/IEC WD 17788 – Cloud Computing Vocabulary from WG3 (latest text in N0676).