ITU's 160 anniversary

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Input Documents (26 November 2014)

JCA-CIT Input Documents (2013-2016)

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Number Document Title Source
Doc 053​LS/i/r on conformance testing pilot project (reply to COM15-LS147) [from ITU-T SG11]ITU-T SG11
Doc 054LS/i/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to COM9 - LS 68) [from ITU-T SG11]ITU-T SG11
Doc 055LS/i on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [from ITU‑T SG11]ITU-T SG11
Doc 056​LS/i/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-CIT (reply to iLS 14) [from ITU-T SG12]ITU-T SG12
Doc 057​LS/i/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to SG11 - LS 56) [from ITU-T SG9]​ITU-T SG9
Doc 058​Q.Int_speed_test: Draft RecommendationSG11 Q15 Acting Rapporteur​
Doc 059​LS/i on Universal catalogue of stakeholders involved in conformity assessment system [from ITU-D SG2]ITU-D SG2​
Doc 060​LS/i on Q4/2 work items for the 2014-2018 study period [from ITU-D SG2]ITU-D SG2​​
Doc 061​Conformity assessment of ICT equipment based on SIP-IMS profile against ITU-T Recommendations​Vice Chairman SG11
Doc 062​Updates to the reference table of ITU-T Recommendation to be tested for conformity/interoperability​Chairman of JCA-CIT
Doc 063​Updates to the Living list of key technologies which are suitable for conformance and/or interoperability testingChairman of JCA-CIT​
Doc 064​The outcomes of ITU Regional Workshop for CIS
“ITU Virtual Laboratory for Remote Tests of Equipment, New Technologies, and Services”
Doc 065​Updated list of official liaison officers of ITU-T SGs in JCA-CITChairman of JCA-CIT​
Doc 066​Agenda for the 5th meeting of JCA-CIT (2013-2016)Chairman of JCA-CIT​
Doc 067​The status of the implementation of ITU C&I ProgrammeTSB​