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Dialling Procedures Notification Form
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Dialling procedures (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (05/97))
Notification Form for Dialling Procedures
(According To ITU-T Recommendation E.164)
Note by the TSB
The list of "Dialling Procedures" contains the national (trunk) prefix, the international prefix, the country code and the national (significant) number in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (05/97).
The national (trunk) prefix is the digit, or combination of digits, which must be dialled before an area (city) code when dialling a call to a subscriber from inside his own country but outside his own numbering area. It provides access to the automatic outgoing trunk equipment. If the entry in this column is blank for a particular country, it means that the country has a single nation wide numbering plan that does not use area codes, and all calls to anywhere in the country are dialled by using the entire local number.
Accordingly, in the international service the trunk prefix of the country of destination must not be dialled. ITU-T recommends that the Administrations of countries which have not yet adopted a trunk prefix or are revising the prefix for access to their national trunk network should adopt a prefix composed of a single digit, preferably “0”.
The international prefix is the digit, or combination of digits, which must be dialled before a country code when dialling a call to a country other than the one from which the call is being placed. If the entry in this column is blank for a particular country, it means that the country does not have direct dialling facilities to other countries (in other words, international calls must be placed through the assistance of an operator).
ITU-T recommends that the Administrations of countries which have not yet introduced automatic international operation or are, for various reasons, revising their numbering plans, should adopt an international prefix (a code for access to the international automatic network) composed of the two digits “00”.
The country code (code) is composed of one digit or is the combination of two or three digits, characterizing the called country which is used to route calls to the required country. It is usually dialled after the international prefix. The List of country codes is also published in the "List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes", as an annex to the Operational Bulletin.
The national (significant) number is the number to be dialled following the national (trunk) prefix to obtain a subscriber in the same country but in a different local network or numbering area. The national (significant) number consists of the area code followed by the subscriber number. If the entry in this column is blank for a particular country, it means that the information is missing.
For your information, the List is published as an Annex to the ITU Operational Bulletin. Furthermore, the information it contains is also available on the ITU home page
and can be consulted by subscribers by remote access.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in the Annex is accurate. Administrations are requested to notify all modifications or missing information concerning their national (trunk) prefix, international prefix and the length of their national (significant) number by using the Notification Form.
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