ITU's 160 anniversary

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Seminar on ITU-T Recommendations on IPTV and trends of video distribution in Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22 July 2011, 1400-1600 hours Contact: 
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is jointly organizing with Anatel (Brazilian Regulator) a Seminar on ITU-T Recommendations on IPTV and trends of video distribution in Brazil in the Sofitel Copacabana Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22 July 2011, 1400-1600 hours. The seminar is one of the various activities held during the IPTV-GSI event in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18-22 July 2011.
The objectives of this Seminar are:
  • Present an overview of the ITU-T IPTV Recommendations and the current trends in video contents distribution in Brazil.
  • Discuss the evolution of video distribution services in Brazil and the expectations of each segment on the evolution of IPTV
This event is targeted at standards developers, academia, broadcasters, manufacturers, developers and regulators.
General Information
  • Host: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (
  • Organized by ITU and Anatel
  • Venue: Sofitel Copacabana Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Practical information: see convening letter (including hotel accommodation, transportation, visa and health requirements)
Related Topics, Study Groups, Organizations
Convening Letter, Registration and Programme

Draft Programme:
Chair: Mr Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan)

  • Presentations:
    • ITU: Overview of the family of ITU-T IPTV Recommendations
      • Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan): 14:00 - 14:15 [Presentation]
    • Anatel: Brazilian contribution to the development of ITU-T IPTV Recommendations
      • Roberto Hirayama (ANATEL, Brazil): 14:15 - 14:30 [Presentation]
    • Universities and Research Centers: IPTV contributions to ITU-T standardization [Presentation]
    • IPTV: Standard-based approach and experiences outside Brazil - Examples of Japan
      • Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan): 14:50 - 15:10 [Presentation]

  • Debate: Evolution of video distribution services in Brazil and the expectations of each segment on the evolution of IPTV (15:10 - 16:00)
    Moderator: Mr Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan)
  • Aguinaldo Boquimpani (TOTVS, Brazil)
  • Roberto Hirayama (ANATEL, Brazil)
  • Marcelo Moreno (UFJF, Brazil)