Chief of the Study Groups Department, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Tunisian born, Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department of ITU Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland. Since 2010, he has been leading the bureau’s standards-making activities into a new era characterized by rapid convergence and the need for increased collaboration with vertical sectors and partnership between developed and developing countries.
Prior to 2010, Jamoussi worked for a Telecommunication equipment and solutions provider for 15 years in Canada and then in the United States where he held several leadership positions and was granted 22 US patents in diverse areas including packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. He is fluent in Arabic, French, and English and speaks some Spanish and German.
Dirk Hetzer is working as senior expert for T-Systems in different network oriented projects. As technical manager of the EU project 5GCroCo, he is deeply involved in 5G network requirements for many automotive applications and use cases. Dirk has a master degree in electro engineering and PhD in computer science.
Gaëlle Martin-Cocher
Director-Standards, Blackberry
Gaëlle joined Research in Motion / Blackberry in 2007 with over ten years of experience in the multimedia and telecommunications industry, where she contributed towards the IP development & licensing along with the business and technical development of telecommunication & broadcasting products. She now is a director of a team researchers in cryptography and multimedia fields. She continues to be involved in a variety of international standardisation fora: ITU, ISO, 3GPP, ANSI, IETF and W3C. Her activities covered product requirement specification, system architecture definition, IP policies and IP development, and extensive involvements in standardisation groups and industry trade shows.
Hironao Kawashima Emeritus Professor, Keio University, and Special Advisor, Mobility Culture Research Center
Born in Tokyo, Japan, and received the B. Sc., M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in Administration Engineering from Keio University,
Yokohama, Japan. From 1972 to 2010, he has been with the Department of Administration Engineering Keio University. He was the Director of Co-Mobility Society Research Center from 2007 to March of 2010. Now he is the Emeritus Professor of Keio University, and the Special Advisor of Mobility Culture Research Center. Dr. Kawashima has been involved in various projects on ITS in order to develop vehicle-infrastructure cooperative systems to improve safety and comfort of urban road transport. In parallel to domestic activities, he is also involved in international project such as the standardization of ITS in ISO/TC204 as the head of Japanese delegation from 1992 to 2010.
His current official positions are:
-Chairman of Management Committee, TS Info-Communications Forum, ARIB
- Member of working group on Connected Car, TTC
- Expert of WG18 (Cooperative ITS), ISO/TC204(ITS)
- Associate Editor, IET Intelligent Transport Systems
-Advisor, Japan Road Association
Johannes Sinnhuber
Product Manager Transmitter Systems, Rohde & Schwarz
Johannes Sinnhuber is product manager at Rohde & Schwarz for transmitter systems. As part of the 5G broadcast team at Rohde & Schwarz he is working on technologies for Broadcast Service Delivery and Media Distribution based on 5G. He has a degree in communications engineering and a degree in business administration at TU Munich.
Koji Nakao ITU-T SG17, NICT, Japan
Koji Nakao received the B.E. degree of Mathematics from Waseda University, in Japan, in 1979. Since joining KDDI in 1979, Koji has been engaged in the research on communication protocol, and information security technology for telecommunications in KDDI laboratory. He has started to additionally research on the area of cybersecurity for NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) in 2004 and for Yokohama National University in 2015. Since 2000, he has been selected for governmental security research projects in collaboration with ICT-ISAC and involved in International Security Standardization activities. His current positions include "Distinguished Researcher" to manage research activities for cybersecurity technologies in NICT and “Guest Professor” of Yokohama National University on IoT security research. Koji has also been an Advisor of Cybersecurity for CABINET SECRETARIAT in Japanese government (since April 2017) and Executive Advisor of ICT-ISAC Japan (since 2019).The following are the major awards received: Koji received the IPSJ Research Award in 1992, METI Ministry Award and KPMG Security Award in 2006, Best Paper Award (JWIS) in 2007, the Commendation for Science and Technology award by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Prizes for Science and Technology: Research Category) in 2009, Lifetime Achievement Awards in ASIA-JCIS in 2012, and Ministry Award (contributions for cyber security) from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2015. He is also a distinguished member of IPJS and a fellow of IEICE.
Noah Luo ITU-T Study Group 16 Chairman, Director, Dept. of Industry and Standards (West Europe), Huawei
Noah Luo is ITU-T SG16 Chairman. Mr. Luo is a senior standards and strategic expert from Huawei Technologies, Co., Ltd., director of Huawei Dept. of Industry and Standards (West Europe) which has a wide range of responsibilities including standards, industry collaboration, ecosystems and telecom regulatory policies, etc. Mr. Luo is active in various standards fields including Network Functionalities Virtualization(NFV), multimedia communication, cloud computing, etc. He is now leading Huawei’ s standards work in the areas of NFV and multimedia.