(Established 2012-01; Terminated 2013-12)
SummaryMachine-to-machine (M2M) communication is considered to be a key enabler of applications and services across a broad range of vertical markets (e.g., health-care, logistics, transport, utilities, etc.). A common M2M service layer, agreed at the global level involving stakeholders from the M2M and vertical market communities, would provide a cost-efficient platform, which can be easily deployed in hardware and software, in a multi-vendor environment, and across sectors.
The Focus Group on the M2M service layer (FG M2M) studied activities undertaken by various standards developing organizations in the field of M2M service layer specifications to identify key requirements for a common M2M service layer.
FG M2M identified a minimum set of common requirements of vertical markets, focusing initially on the health-care market and application programming interfaces (APIs) and protocols supporting e-health applications and services, and drafted technical reports in these areas.
DeliverablesFG M2M concluded its work in December 2013 and the deliverables are posted below: