ITU's 160 anniversary

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AHG-DT4HE: Ad-hoc group on digital technologies for COVID health emergency

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​​​​​​​Scope and description

This FG-AI4H ad-hoc group will collect effective ways and cases on AI and other digital technologies to combat COVID-19 covering the entire cycle of an epidemic emergency, encompassing the following: prevention and preparedness, outbreak early detection, surveillance and response, recovery, rehabilitation, mitigation, etc (Reference: Emergency Risk Management/ Disaster Risk Reduction of the ERF Sendai Framework​​). The outputs are expected to evolve towards a more generalizable mechanism on the health emergency continuum, eventually applicable to other pandemics.​

Specific aspects ​​to be addressed include:



Conflicts of interest

​Participants in this ad-hoc gr​oup will follow the ​procedure in F​G-AI4H F-105 (Zanzibar, September 2019) and the ToRs for the WG-Experts and call for experts and Annex A, Application form; Conflict of interest form​.
