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Introduction to ITU-T Focus Groups and Recommendation A.7


​​​​​​Focus Groups are an instrument created by ITU–T to provide an additional working environment for the quick development of standards in specific areas. The procedure in ITU-T A.7​ defines how an "arms-length" entity (called a "Focus Group" in ITU-T parlance) can be created to work with an ITU–T Study Group as a parent body whil​​​e at the same time maintaining a high degree of independence, in particular concerning working methods, types of outputs, membership, financing, and administration.

Focus Groups generate outputs in well-defined areas within a short-term charter; these products can remain stand-alone Focus Group deliverables (e.g. Technical Specifications or Technical Reports), or may be proposed into the Study Groups for progression into traditional ITU-T products (e.g. Recommendations and Supplements).

Focus Groups can originate from within ITU-T or from an external group. Two examples are the URN Focus Group (endogenous) and the FS-VDSL Focus Group (exogenous). See links below for details and examples.

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