ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​FIGI Symposium 2019: Global & Country-Level Insights 
Cairo, Egypt, 22 January 2019


Programme: Day 2 I Da​y 3

Day 1, 22 January 2019    

07:45- 09:00 Registration
09:15 - 10:15 Opening of FIGI Symposium
​10:15 - 10:45Coffee Break + Group Photo​​​
10:45 - 12:00
Digital Financial Inclusion in Egypt: Priorities for Accelerating the DFS Ecosystem
Discussion of current state of financial inclusion and access in Egypt, past gaps or challenges which were or can be solved by cohesion between the ICT and Financial Sector authorities. How these institutions complement each other’s efforts. In areas where more cooperation is needed, practices to bridge such gaps and strategies for coordination, opportunity areas and lessons learned.

Moderator: Jean Denis Pesme, Practice Manager, World Bank Group [ Biography I Presentation ]
12:00 - 13:15
Implementing the Payments Aspects for Financial Inclusion Framework: What we’ve learned and where we’re headed
Discussion of current state of financial inclusion and access in Egypt, past gaps or challenges in relation to ensuring a trusted secure ICT infrastructure for DFS which were or can be solved by cohesion between the ICT and Financial Sector authorities. How these institutions complement each other’s efforts to achieve a trusted and secure ICT and payments infrastructure. In areas where more cooperation is needed, practices to bridge such gaps and strategies, opportunity areas and lessons learned.

Moderator: Marc Hollanders, Special Adviser​, Committee for Payments and Market Infrastructures, BIS [ Biography ​I Presentation ]
13:15 - 14:15 Lunch break
14:15 - 15:30

Harnessing FinTech for Financial Inclusion: Enabling innovation while mitigating risks
Discuss the role of FinTech and new innovations in the context of financial inclusion, including benefits, opportunities, risks and applications being seen around the world. The session will delve deeper on the specific ways in which Fintech can advance financial inclusion; the contours of the policy choices and trade-offs; and striking the right balance.
Topics may include:  (i) typology of key Fintech innovations, the linkages with financial inclusion and how to assess the risks they pose – using a case study approach; (ii) Bali Fintech agenda as a framework for policy makers in developing appropriate policy responses; (iii)the case of Mexico Fintech Law. 

Moderator: Harish Natarajan, Lead Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank  [ Presentation ]

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45- 17:00
Getting to ICT and Financial Regulatory Collaboration for Inclusive DFS: A Global Showcase

In an environment where banking and telecom/ICT regulations co-exist, what measures have countries introduced to ensure cohesion, consistency, and coordination, and avoid overlaps in terms regulatory issues relating to DFI? Panelists will highlight the respective roles and responsibilities of the financial and ICT regulators and market players, identify challenges and opportunities of ICT and financial regulatory collaboration, and discuss how to more effectively build synergies and identify collaborative approaches to address existing challenges, promote dialogue, and thus enable digital financial inclusion. Findings from the 2016 Global Dialogue on Digital Financial Inclusion and the recommendations of the ITU Focus Group Digital Financial Services on this aspect will be shared and compared to highlight recent developments in FIGI countries and beyond.
Moderator: Dr. Amr Badawi, Professor, University of Cairo
Keynote: Eun Ju Kim, Chief, IP Department, ITU [ Prese​ntation ]
17:00 - 18:00 Hackathon Award Ceremony 
18:00 - 19:30​Welcome Dinner (Sponsored by Vodafone)

 *To be confirmed​​​​​