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DFS Security Knowledge Sharing Platform

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The ITU Knowledge Sharing Platform for Digital Finance Security is designed to foster collaboration among regulators and other stakeholders in the development and implementation of security guidelines and best practices for Digital Financial Services (DFS).​​ 

The WTSA-20 Resolution 89​ instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, in collaboration with the Directors of the other Bureaux to establish a platform or, where possible, connect to those already existing, for peer learning, dialogue and experience-sharing in digital financial services among countries and regions, regulators from the telecommunication and financial services sectors, industry experts and international and regional organizations; PP-22 Resolution 204  further instruct pertinent ITU-T study groups to participate in global initiatives aimed at enhancing the cybersecurity and resiliency of the digital finance ecosystem. This involves developing international standards and industry best practices to ensure a secure and robust digital financial landscape.

The ITU Knowledge Sharing Platform is a component of the ITU DFS security lab, ​which provides resources for conducting security tests for Mobile payment applications as well as developer resources for Fast Identity Online (FIDO) implementation of strong consumer authentication.​
The Objectives of the Knowledge Sharing Platform are as follows:

Accessing the ITU DFS Security Knowledge Sharing Platform

      The Knowledge Sharing Platform consists of two main components: a GitBook workspace and a Slack channel.   The GitBook workspace is a collaborative platform for sharing and refining ITU DFS security recommendations, while the Slack channel facilitates real-time communication and idea discussions among the collaborators.

      How to access the GitBook workspace and Slack channel
        • Step 1: Send a request to join the platform by emailing your name, institution and job title to:​​​
        • ​​​Step 2: After approval, you will receive an invitation to join Gitbook,  "Accept Invitation" in the email
        • Step 3: Sign up for a Gitbook account or sign in with an existing account
        • step 4: Access the link in the email to access the DFS Security Guidelines Gitbook
        • Step 5: ​After your email approval, you will receive an invitation to join the slack channel,  Click "Join Now" in the email
        • Step 6: Sign up for a slack account or sign in with an existing account
        • Step 7: Join the itudfssecurity ​Slack workspace for collaboration and discussions

DFS Security Recommendations and Related Reports

Security Recommendations on Digital Finance
Related reports