1 To represent the interests of ITU-T in the ITU Coordination Committee for Terminology (ITU CCT).
2 To provide, through ITU CCT, consultation on terms and definitions for vocabulary work for ITU‑T in the official languages, in close collaboration with the General Secretariat (Conferences and Publications Department), the TSB editor for the English language as well as the relevant study group rapporteurs for vocabulary, and to seek harmonization among all ITU‑T study groups concerned regarding terms and definitions.
3 To liaise, through ITU CCT, with other organizations dealing with vocabulary work in the telecommunication field, for example the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as well as the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee for information technology (ISO/IEC JTC 1), in order to eliminate duplication of terms and definitions.
4 To inform TSAG at least once per year of its activities and to report its results to the next WTSA.