Dhananjay Kumar received his bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering form the Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta in the year 1997. He was awarded a Master of Engineering (M. E.) degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering by Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda in the year 1999. Subsequently he received a degree of Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in Communication Engineering from Pondicherry Engineering College (Now, Puducherry Technological University), Pondicherry in the year 2001. A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) was awarded to him by Anna University, Chennai in the year 2009 for his research work on high quality multimedia support in next generation multi-carrier wireless mobile networks. Currently, he is working as a full-time professor in the Department of Information Technology of Anna University at MIT Campus, Chennai. Prof. Kumar has been participating in the ITU Kaleidoscope conferences as a paper presenter, session chair, TPC member, etc. since the year 2009. Prof. Kumar and his team are working on analysis of visual data in the live stream of CCTV video. He is a principal investigator of the project titled “A Sustainable Automated Eco Friendly Hydro-Organoponics Urban Farming System” funded by the Government of Tamil Nadu, India.