ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Michael WILSON

​​​​​​Michael WILSON holds an MPhil in Computer Engineering from KNUST, Ghana and a PGDip. in Wireless and Mobile Computing from CDAC, India. He has over ten years of practical working experience in programming, robotics and project management. He has worked and collaborated with institutions of high reputation including the Electronics and Telecommunications research Institute (ETRI) of Korea, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Conservation Alliance, UNESCO, World Robots Olympiad, etc. Wilson is currently a Chief Research Technologist and Head of the Electronics Division at the CSIR-Institute for Scientific and Technological Information in Ghana. His current research interests are in Robotics, Machine Learning and Internet of Things and is bent on ensuring that research output and technology is applied to bring us closer to a better, safer and more sustainable world. 
