ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Keping YU

​​​​​​​​Keping Yu received his M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He was a Research Associate and a Junior Researcher with the Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University, from 2015 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020, respectively, where he is currently a Researcher. He has hosted and participated in more than ten projects, is involved in many standardization​ activities organized by ITU-T and ICNRG of IRTF, and has contributed to ITU-T Standards Y.3071 and Supplement 35. His research interests include smart grids, information-centric networking, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and information security. Dr. Yu has been the general co-chair and publicity co-chair of the IEEE VTC2020-Spring 1st EBTSRA workshop, general co-chair of IEEE ICCC2020 2nd EBTSRA workshop, TPC co-chair of SCML2020, local chair of MONAMI 2020, Session Co-chair of CcS2020, and session chair of ITU Kaleidoscope 2016. Moreover, he has served as TPC member of more than ten international conferences, including the ITU Kaleidoscope, IEEE VTC, IEEE CCNC, IEEE WCNC, etc. He has been a Lead Guest Editor for Sensors, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Energies and Guest Editor for IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Computer Communications. He is an Editor of the IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY (OJVT).

