​Luis Miguel Tuberquia DAVID is an Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas in Bogota-Colombia, he intends to apply for the Ph.D. program in Mechanical Engineering. Interested in control, cognitive radios, artificial intelligence, mechanical design and embedded systems to pursue his graduate studies in this area of knowledge. He firmly believes that achieving this goal will open him a new world of tools to creating new fantastic engineering devices. Throughout his Electronic Engineer bachelor, he had the opportunity to encounter different experiences that brought him closer to this path of development and research. The first of them was to be a laboratory assistant; The second was being a research assistant in the IDEAS research group in which he had been involved in activities such as developed algorithms and support for writing papers. His third interaction as research and developer resulted in the fantastic connection with his advisor Hans Lopez and further mentor Cesar Hernandez. Leading his degree project with honors. Furthermore, he had the opportunity to start a new project this time as a graduate student with Professor Cesar. The project reaches for a tool that allows generating prediction algorithms that allocate idle channels in a cognitive radio network, the results of this investigation is reflected in this book.