Basile Spyropoulos: Born in Thessaloniki, Greece (1953), B.Sc.-Physics, Univ.-Athens/Greece (1976), Ph.D.-(Dr.rer.nat.), Univ.-Heidelberg/Germany (1982). Positions in CERN, Geneva/Switzerland, Radiology and Clinical Chemistry Institutes Univ.-Heidelberg/Germany, Head BME-Department, Public-Hospital Construction Authority, Athens/Greece, and Patent-Examiner, European Patent Office, Munich/Germany. Since 1987 full Professor of Biomedical Technology (BMT) and Head of BMT-Lab, Biomedical Engineering Department, Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens/Greece. He served or still serves as Visiting Professor: National Schools of Public-Health and Public-Administration, Athens, Medical School, Univ.-Patras, Physics-Department, Univ.-Crete, Informatics-Department, Univ.-Athens, Tech.-Univ.-Ilmenau/Germany, NIKHEF-Amsterdam/Netherlands, Accelerator-Physics Laboratory, Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL/USA and Harvard Medical-School, Boston MA/USA. Over 420 Contributions in Journals/Conferences; 8 Volumes of Lecture-notes/E-class materials; 2 BMT-monographies ~1100 pages.