In the workshop the speakers argue that standards should be developed according to the principles of value sensitive design.
The main goal of the workshop is to introduce the topics of value sensitive design and responsible innovation to the standardization community and to discuss with the audience whether and how insights and tools from these two phenomena can be applied to standardization.
Speakers argue that during its development and after its realization, a standard should be flexible to facilitate changes related to ethical and societal values surrounding the technology (such as privacy, security, and reliability).
The workshop, chaired by
Dr. G. van de Kaa, will consist of three parts:
In the first part an introduction will be given by keynote speakers through small informative videos into the topic of value sensitive design and responsible innovation and how these topics can be applied to standardization.
In the second part, the chair will share prelimary results from the ongoing project: 'Platform wars for socially responsible smart grids: the influence of stakeholder networks and platform flexibility' in which they study the influence of stakeholder networks and standard flexibility on the societal acceptance of standards for socially responsible smart metering systems.
In the third part of the workshop the chair will raise different questions and invite the audience to participate in a discussion.