ITU Kaleidoscope conference 2013 will showcase the latest ICTs research and development products, and services that contribute to "building sustainable communities" through the cooperation of academia, research institutes and industry.
NICT will present its research outcomes related to sensor networks, big data analysis, security, optical communication and wireless networks. Some of these projects are carried out through strong cooperation with universities such as Osaka University and Kyushu University, and industry such as Fujitsu Laboratories.
NTT, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric and OKI will introduce their products and services as well as research outcomes related to optical access network, home energy management system, metropolitan networks and IPTV services to achieve new sustainable communities.
Nagoya Institute of Technology will exhibit their 3D display research outcomes and ITU-T will present an e-health and IPTV application based on its standard.
Some exhibits utilized the JGN-X (JGN eXtreme) provided by NICT. JGN-X is the Testbed Environment for R&D to realize and broaden the New Generation Network Technologies to meet the future demands of ICT society.
These technologies, products, and services will help to improve social networking, reduce energy consumption, protect personal information, mitigate disaster damages and provide new communications services including healthcare, education and entertainment with big data analysis, ultra high speed networks and optical access services.
The showcase will present the Kaleidoscope participants with solutions for future sustainable communities and with new collaboration opportunities.
Organized by NICT as a Host Committee member, the showcase will take place at the same venue of Kaleidoscope conference 2013, Kyoto, Japan, on 22-23 April 2013.
A Large-scale Realtime Sensor Analysis Platform |
A Community Cloud Platform for Cross-Data Development Based on Open Source Model |
HIMALIS - A New Generation Network Architecture based on ID/Locator Split |
The world's leading optical communication technology |
A Step toward Practical Use of Next-Generation Cryptography |
The world's first Wi-Fi prototype in TV white space based on the IEEE 802.11af Draft Standard |
BAN Portable Clinic toward Affordable Healthcare M2M Service |
Optically-amplified PON repeater for realization flexible optical access network |
Research & development for next generation telecommunication networks at Hitachi |
Introduction of Latest Communication Technology of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
OKI Media Server based on ITU IPTV Standard |
920MHz-band wireless multi-hop network system for Smart Society |
IPTV for a Better Quality of Life |