Mihoko Sakurai is a researcher at Keio University's Graduate School of Media and Governance where she studies effective ways of
using ICT in municipal governments.
Mihoko acquired bachelor’s degree in policy management from Keio University in 2005. In the same year she joined the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association where she worked for the department of market research.
She returned to Keio University in 2009 where she studied public relations of local governments and acquired master’s degree in Media and Governance.Mihoko’s publications include: Sakurai, Mihoko and Jiro Kokuryo “Local Government ICT Networking”, Keio University Press, 2012(in Japanese); Sakurai, Mikoko and Jiro Kokuryo,"Preparing for Creative Responses to “Beyond Assumed Level” Disasters: Lessons from the ICT Management in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Crisis", Risk Governance and Control:Financial markets & Institutions, vol.3, issue 2, 2013 (forthcoming).
She also collaborated in 2011 and 2012 with Local Authorities Systems Development Center to research and to write a report on the effects of Great East Japan Earthquake on municipal government ICT. This report was edited, translated and published as Sakurai, Mikoko and Jiro Kokuryo, ”Municipal Government ICT in 3.11 Crisis: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Crisis” from Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society in 2012(http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2095192)