The establishment of the Review Committee was one of the key results to emerge from the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12) in Dubai, UAE, 20-29 November 2012.
The core objective of the Review Committee is to review the structure and working methods of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) to ensure that ITU-T continues meeting the standardization needs of an evolving business environment.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are today employed across a wide range of industry sectors. The Review Committee will determine how ITU-T can best satisfy the growing demand for ICT standards tailored to the needs of industries including energy utilities, transportation, financial services, healthcare and education.
In response to the accelerated rate of change in the global standardization landscape and the proliferation of standards development organizations, forums and consortia, a priority to the Review Committee will be the evaluation of the coordination and collaboration mechanisms that ITU-T maintains with other standards bodies.
The Review Committee will report regularly on its progress to the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), contributing to the preparation of ITU-T’s new strategic plan. The recommendations in the Review Committee’s final report will be discussed and acted upon by WTSA-16.
The final report of the Review Committee to WTSA-16 will also be provided to TSAG to assist in its preparations for the Assembly. In reporting the results of its studies, the committee will identify actions suitable for implementation in the near term, as well as possible actions to be submitted for the consideration of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference.
To ensure global participation, the Review Committee works not only with ITU-T Study Groups but also with national and regional standards bodies. Limited fellowships may also be awarded to individuals from certain eligible developing countries.
Participation in the work of the Review Committee is open to ITU Member States, ITU-T Sector Members and Academia. Other experts may attend the meetings by invitation of the Review Committee Chairman.