09:00 - 10:00 | Registration |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Opening Ceremony
Remarks by:
- Hodge Semakula (Executive Secretary, East African Communications Organization)
Martin Adolph (Programme Coordinator, International Telecommunication Union)
Kwame Baah-Acheamfour (ITU-T Study Group 12 Chairman; NCA Ghana) [ Biography ]
- Francis W. Wangusi (Director General, Communications Authority of Kenya)
- Guest of Honor: Brown Otuya (Secretary of Administration, Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology, Republic of Kenya) representing
Joseph Tiampati Ole Musuni (Principal Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology, Republic of Kenya)
10:30 - 11:00 | Group Photo & Coffee Break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Session 1: Role of Global & Regional Communities, Policy Makers, Regulators and Operators in the QoS Provision of Broadband in a Net-Neutrality Environment
Objectives: This session will discuss the role of Global & Regional Communities, Policy makers, Regulators and Operators in ensuring the Quality of Service of Broadband provision to Consumers in a net-neutrality environment.
Moderator: Martin Adolph (ITU)
Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor (ITU-T Study Group 12; NCA Ghana): Role of Global & Regional Communities, Policy Makers, Regulators and Operators in the QoS Provision of Broadband in a Net-Neutrality [
Biography | Presentation ]
- John Kamau (Jamii Telecommunication Limited, Kenya): Quality of Service and Customer Experience the JTL Perspective [ Presentation ]
- Ibrahim Epamba (Telkom Kenya Ltd. - Orange)
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30 - 15:00 | Session 2: Consumer and Quality of Service Issues in Digital Financial Services
Objectives: This session will focus on consumer protection and experience in digital financial services and quality of service issues that obstruct the deployment of digital financial services in East Africa countries. Consumer Associations, Regulators and Telecom Operators will share their best practices. The work of the ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services on “Consumer Protection and Experience” will be presented.
Joachim Pomy (Opticom, Germany) [
Biography ]
- Vijay Mauree (TSB/ITU) * : ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Consumer Protection: [ Biography | Presentation ]
- Rosebela Oiro (Consumer Unity & Trust Society - Africa Resource Centre, Kenya (CUTS ARC)): Consumer Protection in Digital Finance [ Biography | Presentation ]
- Stephen Mwaura Nduati, Central Bank of Kenya [ Presentation ]
* remote participation |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30 - 17:00 | Session 3: Empowerment and Protection of Consumers in ICT market
Objectives: This session will discuss on the role of stakeholders, including Global & Regional Communities, Policy Makers, Regulators and Consumer Associations in the ICT market.
Godliving J. Kessy (EACO)
- Joseph Kizito (Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda): Consumer Protection [ Biography | Presentation ]
Patricia Muchiri (Communications Authority of Kenya): Empowerment and Protection of Consumers in ICT Market [ Biography | Presentation ]
Celine Awuor (Consumers Information Network, Kenya): Creating Space for Consumer Rights in the ICT Sector [ Presentation ]