ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


Yvonne-Umutoni-photo.pngYvonne holds  a Master’s Degree in Communication Networks and Software from University of Surrey, Guildford UK, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).
In 2007, Yvonne joined Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) where she developed the National Numbering Plan for Rwanda and enforced implementation of that Numbering Plan in Rwandan Telecom market. In 2010, she was involved in the development of Interconnection Costing Model for monitoring and enforcement of interconnection rate for Telecom industry in Rwanda. Yvonne is currently involved in performing audits, benchmarks and analysis of performance of Telecom Operators and ISPs in terms of quality of service experienced by customers in Rwandan Telecom/ICT market. 

Yvonne is active in international and regional telecom standardisation work, especially in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the East Africa Communication Organisation (EACO).

In ITU-T SG12, Yvonne edited an ITU-T Recommendation Y.1545: “Roadmap for Quality of Service of Interconnected networks using Internet Protocol”. She is also currently the editor of the ITU-T Draft Supplement E.Suppl.FTSO: “QoS/QoE Framework for the transition from network oriented to service oriented operations”. Yvonne became the chairperson of Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG) since 2012 to present.

In EACO, Yvonne chairs the EACO Working Group 9 on: Quality of Service and Consumer Affairs