ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Patent Roundtable
Geneva, Switzerland, 10 October 2012 Contact:




Moderator_Robert_Barr_Photo.jpgMr. Robert Barr, University of California

Robert Barr was the first Vice President for Intellectual Property and Worldwide Patent Counsel for Cisco Systems. In that capacity, he managed all legal issues related to standards, established Cisco’s practices on standards-essential patents, and participated in various IPR policy discussions at ANSI, IEEE, IETF, and other standards development organizations. In his current role, he runs a research center at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law and remains active in public policy issues at the intersection of law and technology.

Robert has degrees from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Political Science and a law degree from Boston University.
rbekkers.jpgMr. Rudi Bekkers, Eindhoven University of Technology

Rudi Bekkers is an academic affiliated with the Eindhoven University of Technology as well as with Dialogic innovatie en interactie, a private research firm based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. One of the areas he specializes in is that of the relation between patents and standards. He has published in scholarly journals such as Research Policy, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Industrial & Corporate Change, Telecommunications Policy, the Journal of Technology Transfer, and the European intellectual property review. He also presented his work on many leading conferences, including that of the US National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Has authored more than 50 commissioned studies for national governments, the European Commission (EC), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), non-profit organizations, as well as firms. He was one of the authors of the 2011 ‘Study on the Interplay between Standards and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)’ of the European Commission, and in 2011 he was appointed as committee member at the US Academies of Science (NAS) for a project on the management of IP management in standard-setting process, for which he also conducted a commissioned study on IPR policies in SSOs. More information and downloads of studies is available at
kblind.jpgMr. Knut Blind, Rotterdam School of Management

​Prof. Dr. Knut Blind studied economics, political science and psychology at Freiburg University. In the course of his studies he spent one year at Brock University (Canada), where he was awarded a BA. Finally, he took his Diploma in Economics and later his doctoral degree at Freiburg University. Between 1996 and 2010 he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany, as a senior researcher and at last as head of the Competence Center "Regulation and Innovation". In April 2006 Knut Blind was appointed Professor of Innovation Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Berlin University of Technology. Since May 2008 he holds also the endowed chair of standardisation at the Rotterdam School of Management of the Erasmus University. From April 2010 he is leading the new research group "Public Innovation" at the Fraunhofer Institute of Open Communication Systems in Berlin. Besides numerous articles on standardisation he published further contributions on intellectual property rights and further innovation aspects in refereed journals.
adore.jpg​Mr. Antoine Dore, ITU

Antoine Dore is a Canadian lawyer who joined ITU over ten years ago; he is a Senior Legal Officer of the Legal Affairs Unit of the ITU. Frequently called on to provide legal advice on policy questions involving IPR issues, notably in the context of ITU's standardization activities, his advice is also regularly sought on issues related to the licensing activities of the ITU. Mr. Dore is a member of the WSC Task Force responsible for the elaboration of the common patent policy for ITU/ISO/IEC and its related guidelines. He also acts as secretary to ITU's Ad Hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights which is a forum for the exchange of views between IP experts. Mr. Dore is a frequent speaker on IPR and standardization issues. Prior to working as in-house counsel for ITU, Mr. Dore worked in a large Canadian law firm specializing in commercial and corporate law and litigation.
mfrohlich.jpgMr. Michael Fröhlich, RIM

Michael is an Attorney-at-Law, registered with the Munich bar. He has a Ph.D. in Intellectual Property Rights and he was educated at the Universität des Saarlandes, the Université de Montpellier, and the Kammergericht Berlin.
He has practised for several years at the Düsseldorf office of Preu Bohlig & Partner in the fields of contentious and pre-contentious matters in all areas of Intellectual Property Rights, with a particular focus on patents. Michael shows also work experience in Brazil, where he was active for the IP-specialised law firm Dannemann Siemsen Bigler & Ipanema Moreira. Michael further acted as the Legal Affairs Director of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Prior to joining RIM, he was in charge of defining, driving and representing Nokia's IPR position for various standardization activities.

Michael is the Chairman of the AIPPI Special Committee on Patents and Standards, and he is the Vice-Chairman of the GSMA IPR Working Group.

Michael has written and presented on issues at the intersection of Intellectual Property Law, Antitrust and Standardisation in Europe, the United States, and Asia. He is bilingual German/French, business fluent in English and he has a basic knowledge of Portuguese.
mgoudelis.jpgMr. Michel Goudelis, European Patent Office

​Michel Goudelis was born in Athens in 1954. After an Electrical Engineering degree from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece in 1977, a Telecommunications Engineer degree and a PhD from the ENST in Paris, France in 1981 he worked as a Telecommunications Engineer. He joined the European Patent Office in 1989 as an examiner in Telecommunications. Since 2003 he is a Director, responsible of Examination, as well as of Trend Watching, Documentation and Standards projects.
sgraham.jpgMr. Stuart Graham, United States Patent and Trademark Office

Dr. Stuart Graham is the Chief Economist at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, where he is on leave from his academic post at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Graham conducts research on the economics of the patent system, intellectual property (IP) transactions, and the relationship of IP to entrepreneurship and the commercialization of new technologies. He received his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, and holds other advanced degrees in Law (JD), Business (MBA), and Information Systems (MA). An attorney licensed in New York State, he has written on companies’ intellectual property and litigation strategies, patenting by hi-tech startups and entrepreneurs, and comparisons of the US and European patent systems. His recent research has been published in the journal Science, the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, the Berkeley Technology Law Journal, and the journal Management Science, among other venues.
rhesse.jpgMrs. Renata B. Hesse, United States Department of Justice

​Renata B. Hesse is Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal and Civil Operations at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. She rejoined the Antitrust Division in March of 2012, having previously been a Staff Attorney in the Merger Task Force and the Transportation, Energy & Agriculture Section and Chief of the Networks & Technology Enforcement Section. Ms. Hesse received the Attorney General’s Distinguished Service Award in 2005. Ms. Hesse most recently served as Senior Counsel to the Chairman for Transactions at the Federal Communications Commission, where she oversaw the Commission’s investigation of AT&T’s proposed acquisition of T‐Mobile. Prior to joining the Commission, Ms. Hesse was a partner in the Washington, DC office of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati from 2006 to 2011. Ms. Hesse has been recognized in Chambers USA: America’s Leading Business Lawyers (2007‐2011), The International Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers & Economists (2009‐2011), and was named a 2010 Washington, DC “Super Lawyer” by Law & Politics magazine.
imru.jpgMs. Saba Imru, ITU

​Saba Imru is in charge of human resources management and development in the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of ITU as Head of the Administrative & HR Services, TSB.

She has served in ITU for over 20 years during which she conducted the implementation of several change projects, including major organizational restructurings. She has introduced innovative working methods and staff development tools such as the World Café collaborative conversation methodology for which she is an experienced facilitator.

Saba is a certified professional coach, holds a coaching Master in Leadership and Communication and is currently candidate for an Master in Innovation and Change.
Photo Thomas Kramler.jpgMr. Thomas Kramler, Directorate General for Competition, European Commission
Thomas Kramler is deputy head of the unit responsible for antitrust cases in the information industries, internet and consumer electronics sectors in the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition.
Mr Kramler holds a law decree and a PhD from the University of Vienna, Austria. He has graduated with a Master's decree in European Union Law from the College of Europe (Bruges).
Before joining the European Commission Mr Kramler worked as agent representing the Austrian government before the European Courts in Luxemburg.
tpohlmann.jpgMr. Tim Pohlmann, Technical University of Berlin

Tim Pohlmann is a post-doctoral researcher in economics at Mines ParisTech and Technische Universität Berlin. He specializes in the economic analysis of markets for technology in the field if ICT standardization. He earned his doctoral degree with the highest distinctions in August 2012 from Technische Universität Berlin with a dissertation on the interplay between patents and technological standards.
Tim’s research covers the empirical analysis of the trade of patents, patent trolls, standardization consortia and patent pools. He has presented his work at a large number of international academic conferences. Tim has been actively involved in preparing studies for the European Commission and the German Federal Government on the role of patents intechnological standardization and business models in Open Source Software.
mseidman.jpgMr. Mark D. Seidman, United States Federal Trade Commission

​Mark Seidman is Counsel to the Director of the Bureau of Competition in the United States Federal Trade Commission.  In his role as Counsel, Mark assists in the oversight of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition, which enforces the U.S. antitrust laws by investigating and litigating anticompetitive conduct and mergers.  Mark has previously served as an attorney in the Mergers I Division of the Bureau, in which he investigated mergers involving a broad array of industries, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and internet advertising.  Mark has also served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia.  He is a graduate of The George Washington University Law School and the University of North Carolina.
rwarren.jpgMr. Ray Warren, Motorola Mobility

​Raymond (Ray) Warren is Senior Licensing Council with Motorola Mobility LLC (separated from Motorola in 2011).  In his current role Mr. Warren is responsible for representing the company at various SSOs with regard to legal matters, licensing Motorola Mobility intellectual property, and patent related defensive matters.  Mr. Warren has been employed by Motorola/Motorola Mobility for 29 years and has been involved with licensing standards essential patents for over 20 years.  Mr. Warren has represented most of the company’s different business units including the Semiconductor Products Sector, Cellular Infrastructure Group, and Mobile Devices Business.  Mr. Warren earned his BS in Electrical Engineering and JD from The University of Oklahoma and an MBA from Arizona State University.
Mr. BJ Watrous, Apple
BJ Watrous is Apple’s vice president for Intellectual Property and Licensing. His team is responsible for managing all aspects of Apple’s IP portfolio, including IP licensing, participation in standard-setting organizations, and anti-counterfeit activities.
Watrous joined Apple from the Hewlett Packard Company where he was Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for IP & Licensing. He holds a JD degree from the University of California, Los Angeles and a BA from Pomona College.
dweiler.jpgMr. Dirk Weiler, ETSI

​Dirk Weiler is Head of Standards Management in Nokia Siemens Networks, responsible for standardization policy, membership portfolio, type approval and various other topics.
He is Chairman of the ETSI General Assembly and the ETSI IPR Special Committee, Vice Chairman of the German BITKOM Working Group Standardization, Member of the DIN Presidential Committee FOKUS.ICT and the ETSI representative to the European Commission’s ICT Multi-Stakeholder Platform.
Until 2006 he has held various management positions in the areas of development, research, intellectual property, standardization and marketing in Siemens. Since 1988 he has been working actively in standardization on technical as well as board level in ETSI, ITU, OMA and various other bodies.
He joined Siemens in 1985, starting in the development of the Mobile Communication System C450, after his graduation in Physics from the University of Cologne and the Institute of Nuclear research in Jülich, Germany.