ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Programme 29-30 January 2019

Joint ITU-NGMN Conference “Licensing practices in 5G industry segments"   
Geneva, Switzerland, 29-30 January 2019


Day 1, Tuesday 29 January 2019

  09:30  Welcome and Registration
 10:00 ​Welcome by the Conference Moderator, Stefan Engel-Flechsig, NGMN
10:10 Opening Remarks by ITU and NGMN
10:30 Session 1: Overview on Status of 5G Implementation in  Industry Segments
This session will describe the status of 5G deployment and applications, focusing on the most prominent use cases.

 Peter Meissner, CEO and Member of the NGMN Board        
11:30 Session 2: Overview on Standard Essential Patents (SEP)  Licensing Practices
This session will bring participants up-todate on standard essential patents (SEPs), FRAND licensing commitments, and related issues regarding the diversity of scope of FRAND licensing commitments, the diversity of open source software licenses and the availability of patent pool(s).

: Amy Marasco, Microsoft           
12:30 Lunch Break
​13:30Session 3: Licensing Practices in Industry Segments in Detail
This session will give details on current licensing practices and how they may be impacted by the convergence of telecommunication (ICT) and industry segments.

Joe Siino, Via Licensing 
15:00 ​Coffee & Tea Break
15:30 ​Session 4: Requirements on Patent Pools/Platforms
This session will discuss how patent pools/platforms are formed and intended to work; the pros and cons of pools/platforms, and the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders (licensors, licensees and pool administrators).

Moderator: Garrard Beeney,
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
17:00​​​Session 5: Panel Discussion Day 1 - Speakers and session  chairs of Day 1
This session will engage the audience and the speakers of Day 1 in an interactive dialogue to discuss key issues with respect to licensing practices and patent pools.

Moderator: Garrard Beeney, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
18:00Close of Day 1
​​18:30Apéro with finger food

Day 2,  Wednesday 30 January 2019

  09:00Welcome and Registration
​09:15 ​Welcome by Conference Moderator
09:30 Session 6: Requirements for Increasing Transparency and Assessing Essentiality of SEPs in 5G
This session will discuss the approaches being taken by some stakeholders to address greater transparency as to what patents are or may be SEPs, and whether identified patents are in fact “essential” to implementation of a standard.The discussion will include a description of related objectives, issues and challenges.

Moderator: Bill Geary,
​​11:00 ​Coffee & Tea Break
11:30 Session 7: Perspectives for Licensing for Licensors and  Licensees in 5G
This session will discuss what are possible best practices and commonalities for SEPs licensing in the various industry segments and help the participants to understand the present practices and related issues.

Moderator: Serge Raes, NGMN, IPR Forum Chair
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Session 8 : Issues for Stakeholders – Panel session
This session will identify and collect the issues discussed during the 2 days of the conference and focus on main key issues to be addressed in the coming years. What are the open issues and how to resolve them?
This final session will engage the speakers of both days in an interactive dialogue with the audience to discuss key issues with respect to the different stakeholders’ expectations and related issues.

Moderator: Harald Wanjura, Co-Chair IPR Forum, NGMN 
16:00  Closing remarks by Hosts
16:30Farewell Coffee & Tea

 *To be confirmed