ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


​​Second Joint ITU-NGMN Alliance Workshop on Open Source and Standards for 5G
Bellevue (Seattle), WA, USA 1 November 2017


​08:00 - 08:30Registration
​08:30 - 08:40​Opening Remarks by ITU and NGMN:
​08:40 - 09:00Keynote by Emilio Davila Gonzalez, Head of Sector ICT Standardization, European Commission [ Presentation ]            
​09:00 - 09:45 Session 1: Open Source - What is it and what role can it play in connection with 5G and other ICT standards?
Are standards and OSS substitutes or complements? What are the fundamental differences between OSS and standards? How can OSS provide value in the context of standardization? Are there fundamental issues or requirements associated with OSS that the standards community needs to take into consideration? Does the OSS community see value in standardization and the interaction between standards and OSS?

Moderator: Heather Meeker, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
​09:45 - 10:30 Interactive Discussion with Event Participants – Lessons Learned
The moderator for Session 1 will invite event participants to actively discuss and exchange ideas on issues that have emerged during the Session.
​10:30 - 11:00 ​Coffee and Tea Break
​11:00 - 11:45 Session 2: Interplay between OSS and Standards – What is the current status of integration efforts at SSOs? 
What is the intended use of the standard/specification and of the code – and what are the options in this regard? What issues need to be addressed in developing an effective procedural framework? What types of frameworks may be effective in accomplishing the related objectives? What technical, organizational and legal issues are generally easier to address, and what issues are more challenging?

Moderator: Serge Raes, Intellectual Property & Standardization Strategy Director, Orange
​11:45 - 13:00 Interactive Discussion with Event Participants - Lessons Learned
The moderator for Session 2 will invite event participants to actively discuss and exchange ideas on issues that have emerged during the Session.
​13:00 - 14:15 ​Lunch
​14:15 - 15:15 Session 3:  Interplay between OSS and Standardization – Viewpoints of Industry Representatives 
From your perspective as an industry participant, what issues do SSOs need to address in developing an effective procedural framework for integrating OSS into their standards work? What technical, organizational and legal issues are generally easier for SSOs to address in formulating an approach to integrating OSS into their technical work, and what issues are more challenging? What are the most effective uses of OSS? Where should the OSS be developed and/or maintained? Is there a role for the OSS community in this regard?

Moderator: Amy Marasco, General Manager, Standards Strategy, Microsoft
​15:15 - 15:45 ​Coffee and Tea
​15:45 - 17:15 Interactive Discussion with Event Participants – Lessons Learned
The moderator for Session 3 will invite event participants to actively discuss and exchange ideas on issues that have emerged during this Session.

In addition, the three event moderators will lead a group discussion on cumulative lessons learned throughout the day: What role can standards and OSS each play in helping industry address increasingly complicated communications and interoperability needs? How can we integrate standards and open source work so that they work together effectively? How do we use these different tools and balance the expectations of these different communities? What can we learn from actual examples of integration?
​17:15 - 17:30 Conclusions from the Moderators and Closing Remarks               
​17:30 Close of Workshop

 *To be confirmed