Amy is the General Manager for Standards Strategy and Policy at Microsoft, and she leads a team that addresses strategic policy and engagement issues on a corporate-wide, global basis.
Amy regularly engages in policy discussions involving standards, intellectual property rights and competition law issues at numerous standards bodies and in many other forums. Among other things, she is one of three rapporteurs at the TSB Director’s IPR Ad Hoc Group at the ITU-T, Chairman of the Standards Policy Committee at the Intellectual Property Owners Association, Chairman of Standards and IPR Policy Committee and a member of the Board of Directors at the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), and Chairman of the IPR Policy Committee and a member of the Board of Directors at the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). She has testified or given presentations on standards-related policy issues upon request by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Department of Justice (Antitrust Division), the European Commission, METI (the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and CESI, CCSA and CNIS (in the People’s Republic of China).
Amy joined Microsoft after serving as the Vice President and General Counsel of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) from 1994-2004. Prior to joining ANSI, Amy was an attorney with the law firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft in its New York office.