Mr. Ziqin SANG joined Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (WRI) in 1998 after obtaining his Ph.D. in pattern recognition and intelligent system from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. As a senior engineer Ziqin worked in a program of ATM-PON, then as a manager of the R&D department of Fiberhome Telecoms, a member company of WRI. He served as CTO then CEO of a cybersecurity start-up share-controlled by Fiberhome Telecoms.
In 2006 Ziqin returned to WRI headquarter and joined to organize a new State Key Laboratory of Optical Communication Technologies and Networks where he began his work on standardization. He is actively involved in different standardization bodies (ITU-T SG17, SG13 and SG5, CCSA TC8 and TC10). He heads a division of innovative research of smart city in the lab since 2010. He served as a member of expert board of a China’s 863 program of smart city and vice chairman of ITU-T focus group on smart sustainable cities and vice chairman of focus group on smart water management. He is now a vice chairman of ITU-T SG20.