ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

KIM Hyoung Jun

Dr. Hyoung Jun Kim joined ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) in 1988, and he is currently working as Managing Director of PEC (Protocol Engineering Centre) in ETRI. He has had about 28 year research experiences in various divisions of ETRI including Info-Communications Technology Division, IT Strategy Research Division, Information & Telecommunications Technology Division, and Protocol Engineering Centre.

He has been currently serving as Vice-Chairmen of ITU-T SG20 and Chairman of WP1 (Internet of Things) under ITU-T SG20, Convener of the JCA-IoT in ITU-T SG20. He also has been serving as vice-Chairmen of ITU-T SG13 and Chairmen of WP3 (SDN and Networks of Future) in SG13.​