Marco Carugi works as consultant on advanced telecommunication technologies and associated standardization, and is currently contractor for NEC representing the company in standards development activities.
During his professional career, he has worked as Telecommunication Engineer in the Solvay group, Research Engineer in Orange Labs, Senior Advisor in the Nortel Networks CTO division and Senior Expert in the Technology Strategy department of ZTE R&D.
Marco is active in standardization since long time, and has held numerous leadership positions, including ITU-T SG13 Vice-Chair, ITU-T Rapporteur in last three study periods, ITU-T FG Cloud Computing WG Chair, OIF Board member, IETF Provider Provisioned VPN WG co-Chair.
He is currently Rapporteur for Question 2 - "Requirements and use cases for IoT" - in ITU-T SG20 (Internet of Things and its applications including smart cities and communities), still maintaining the Rapporteurship for Question 2 - "Requirements for NGN evolution and its capabilities including support of IoT and SDN" - in ITU-T SG13 (Future networks) where he also acts as SG13 Mentor.
Marco has led the development of technical specifications on requirements, capabilities and services for IoT/M2M since the creation of the ITU-T IoT Global Standards Initiative, acting also as convenor of the IoT work plan sessions within IoT-GSI. He is currently the ITU-T JCA-IoT/SG20 Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1/WG10 and to the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI) (WG3 on IoT standardization), participating regularly in the activities of the European Commission's Internet of Things Research Cluster [co-author of IERC books edition 2014 and 2013, and AIOTI WG3 Rel.1/2 deliverables on IoT standards landscape, high level architecture and semantic interoperability]. He has also acted as vice-chair of the past ITU-T Focus Group on M2M Service Layer.
NGN evolution and Future Networks, SDN, Cloud Computing and Big Data are other technical areas in which he is involved at present.
Marco has led the development of numerous standards specifications and published in technical journals and books.
He holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France), a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris, France). He is currently completing a Certificate on Big Data at Ecole Centrale (Paris, France).