ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


ITU Workshop on "ICT Innovations in Emerging Economies"
Tunis, Tunisia, 28 January 2014


08:30 – 09:15 Registration
09:15 – 10.15

Opening Remarks

            10:15 – 10:50

Session 1: FG Innovation Deliverables

This session will discuss the status of the main deliverables of the Focus Group: Bridging the gap from innovations to standards. The session will examine some cases of successful ICT innovations from emerging economies and their potential for ICT standardization.

Chairperson: Ajay Ranjan Mishra, CEO: IM4i (International Markets for Innovations)  [ Biography | Presentation ]


10:50 – 11:10 Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:45

Session 2: Taking Innovations to Markets

Markets are considered to be the death valley for Innovators. Market entry is much needed for innovators as it helps them sustain in further development for their innovations. This session will have innovators speak on this concept.

Chairperson: Ajay Ranjan Mishra, CEO: IM4i (International Markets for Innovations)  [ Biography | Presentation ]


12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:40

Session 3: New Emerging Innovations

New emerging innovations are arising every day. This session presents the state of the art technology\service innovations that occur at every layer of the supply chain. The innovations are presented with a potential focus on its readiness for standardization.

Chairperson: Rim Belhassine-Cherif, FG Innovation Vice-Chairman [ Biography ]


15:40 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:15

Session 4: eHealth

The field of e-health continues to be increasingly important all over the world and it presents different innovations and technical solutions that need standardization. This session is mainly dedicated to present some innovative technologies in e-health domain, their socio-economic impact, especially in developing countries, and the related standardization possibilities.

Chairperson: Nizar Bouguila, CTO, Tunisie Télécom


17:15 – 17:30Discussion and outcomes of workshop
​17:30 - 17:45 Closing Session​