Forum on “Environment, climate change and circular economy”
Manizales, Colombia, 4 April (afternoon) - 5 April (morning) 2017
Cristina Bueti
Circular economy is capable of providing the required paradigm for the implementation of climate friendly strategies to minimize raw material use, energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, diminish the e-waste burden and reduce dependence on virgin resources in order to develop shorter manufacturing cycles. This will help create a dynamic business ecosystem involving all stakeholders of the value chain thereby generating new business and job opportunities, while simultaneously protecting the environment.
Public strategies, international standards and policies are the cornerstone of circular economy, which help optimize cascading of e-waste materials, phase out illegal recycling of e-waste and enable us to do more with less resources.
To move towards a circular economy, we need to understand what is not sustainable and resource friendly about the existing economy.
At the heart of the transformational response to climate change and environmental protection, lies the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICTs represent a crucial part of modern infrastructure, and can play an instrumental role in tackling the challenges associated with climate change and environment. As such ICTs can provide “smart” solutions that have the potential to increase energy efficiency, reduce production costs, promote resource efficiency, decrease GHG emissions and in the process assist the metamorphosis into a circular economy.
The objective of this Forum is to raise awareness on the potential ICTs possess in responding to environmental issues including climate change, e-waste and energy efficiency. This Forum will promote discussions on feasible measures to integrate ICT-based solutions into existing strategies and international standards to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda and promote climate change adaptation and mitigation, while steadily facilitating transition to a circular economy.
Target audience:
The Forum will bring together leading representatives in the field of circular economy, ICTs and climate change, from top policy-makers to engineers, designers, planners, government officials, regulators, standards experts and others.
4 April 2017 (afternoon)
15:30 - 15:45 | Opening ceremony - Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU [Biography]
Diego González, Secretary of Environment, Manizales, Colombia
Johannes Dobinger, Representative to the Andean Region, UNIDO
15:45 - 16:45 | Session 1: Linking ICTs and climate change adaption in cities: Towards the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals This session will explore how ICTs can be used to improve environmental performance and address the issue of climate change adaptation as envisioned in the Sustainable Development Goals and the recently established New Urban Agenda.
Moderator: María Victoria Sukenik, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment, climate change and circular economy"
Motsomi Maletjane, Programme Officer, Adaptation Programme, UNFCCC [Presentation]
- Mariana Rojas, Director, Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment, Colombia [Presentation]
- Mauro Flórez, President, Scientific International Research Centre on Telecommunications (CITIC) [Presentation][Video]
- Susana Velásquez Franco, Corporación Autónoma Regional de Caldas – CORPOCALDAS, "Cambio climático y adaptación en la planificación territorial, experiencia desde la cuenca del río Chinchiná –Caldas, Colombia" [Presentation]
- Camila Londoño Muñoz, Director, Cities and Territories projects, Idom Consulting, "Planning the intermediate cities in Colombia. Climate change, urban growth and resiliency" / "Planear las ciudades intermedias de Colombia. Cambio climático, resiliencia y crecimiento urbano". [Biography and presentation abstract][Presentation]
- Olga Lucía Ocampo López, Associate Professor, Universidad de Autónoma de Manizales, "Escenarios de cambio climático: Amenazas, Vulnerabilidad y adaptación. Casos de estudio en la región Andina Colombiana" [Presentation]
Questions & Answers |
16:45 - 17:00 | Coffee break |
17:00 - 18:30 | Session 2:
Circular economy: From e-waste to resource
This session will provide a platform for discussions on “closing the loop” for e-waste in a circular economy and setting the precedence for generating the most value from raw materials used in ICT products and services along with ensuring that materials are either circulated or regenerated for reuse.
Moderator: Paolo Gemma, Chairman, Working Party 3 of ITU-T Study Group 5: Environment, climate change and circular economy
Alfredo Cueva, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO [Presentation]
- Philippe Tuzzolino, VP Environment, Orange Group, “Orange Circular Economy program: Modularity in ICT sector“ [Biography and presentation abstract][Presentation]
- Laura Reyes, Business and Compliance Manager, Belmont Trading, Colombia, "Back to Life: Life cycle extension an opportunity to all" [Biography][Presentation]
- Luz Elena García García, Professor and Researcher, Manizales University, "Tránsito del cierre del bucle para los desechos electrónicos en una economía circular a la expansión en una economía interdimensional" [Presentation]
Questions & Answers |
5 April 2017 (morning)
08:30 - 09:30 |
Registration |
09:30 - 09:35 | Wrap-up for Day 1-
Johannes Dobinger, Representative to the Andean Region, UNIDO
09:35 - 10:30 | Session 3: Sustaining ICT for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation This session will examine how ICTs can play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promote climate change mitigation through smart energy solutions.
Moderator: Héctor Lizárraga, Specialist Engineer, COMTELCA [Presentation]
Peng Peng, Director, Latin American Sales and Marketing of Network Energy Product, Huawei Technologies Co.,"Innovative Smart Micro site to drive smart sustainable city" [Biography and presentation abstract][Presentation]
- Claudia Marin, Process and Certification Manager, Telefónica Colombia, "Sustaining ICT for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation" [Biography and presentation abstract - ES][Presentation]
- Ricardo Baquero, National Technical Coordinator, GEF/UPME/UNIDO Project "Industrial Energy Efficiency in Colombia" [Presentation]
- Paolo Gemma, Chairman, Working Party 3 of ITU-T Study Group 5: Environment, climate change and circular economy [Presentation]
- Victor Hugo Ospina López, "Lider de Proceso de Mantenimiento" and José Hernando Taborda Cárdenas, "Director Planificación Técnica", Aguas de Manizales S.A E.S.P, "Sustainable aqueduct" [Presentation]
Questions & Answer |
s |
10:30 - 11:00 | Closing remarks and Outcome Green Standards Week 2017
Manizales Manifesto [English][Spanish]-
José Octavio Cardona León, Mayor of Manizales, Colombia
Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU [Biography]