ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


ITU Regional Standardization Forum on Emerging Economic, Regulatory and  Policy Trends in a Fast-Changing Digital World
Kuwait City, Kuwait, 17 December 2018


17 December 2018

​08:00 - 08:30Registration
​08:30 - 09:00​Opening Ceremony
​09:00 - 10:00​​

Panel 1: Regulatory r/evolution for new services and new players in a dynamic and unpredictable market
The current regulatory regime was conceived almost 20 years ago, with the liberalization of Telecom markets. Between then and today, telecoms sector has undergone dynamic changes, of both economic and technological nature. Today's digital transformation has not only been challenging businesses across every industry sector, but also the very fabric of society itself. In more cases than not, it is having disruptive effects on existing traditional industry dynamics and business models. In this session, speakers will discuss the economic and regulatory impact of OTTs, connected cars, approaches to the delivery of services across operators as well as enablers needed to underpin the digital transformation.

Moderator: Mohammed Alajran, CITRA 

Keynote Speaker: Chaesub Lee, TSB Director, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) [Presentation]

​10:30 - 10:45​​​Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:00​​​​

Panel 2: The power and potential of big data and machine learning in borderless markets
The size of our global “universe” is set to at least double every two years, representing a 50-fold growth from 2010 to 2020. With the growth of 5G and IoT, human- and machine-generated data is experiencing a 10x faster growth rate than traditional business data, and machine data is increasing even more rapidly at 50x that growth rate. In this Panel, experts will discuss the economic and policy challenges posed by big data, AI and machine learning as well the opportunities they create including the design of evidence-based strategies and the development of predictive analytics for climate, health care, urbanization, telecom, finance and the economy.

Moderator: Amine Mcharek, ITU

Keynote Speaker: Simon Forge, ITU Consultant [Presentation]