ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

CHOI Sangho

Sangho_Choi_photo.pngDr. Sangho Choi has more than 20 years of extensive experiences as a engineer and researcher in the fields of mobile communication, radio  and networks at  many institutes of Korea. As a key accomplishments, he successfully finished  his missions like designing some parts of digital switches in KT R&D Laboratory, researching IP-based mobile communication systems in ETRI, setting up the authorized testing house in the scope of mobile communication and handsets in TTA and finally researching the government policy in the area of radio and broadcasting in KCA.  Nowadays, he has served in EMTI of RAPA to research on the EMC and antenna technologies and consult EMC technologies to small size companies in Korea. He also is members of so many committees like the Korea EMC  Council, Green Technology Certification Committee, Advising Committee for the Korea Designated Test Body  and National Assembly ICT Advising Group.