Page Content
Workshop Programme
30 July 2012 |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Delegate Registration |
09:30 - 10:00 |
Opening Ceremony
- Malcolm Johnson, TSB Director
[ Biography | Speech ]
- Byoung-Moon Chin, Vice President of TTA
[ Biography ]
- Thansamay Kommasith, Vice Minister of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
[ Speech ]
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee break |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Session 1: Overview of ITU
This session will provide an overview of ITU standardization activities. It will highlight decisions taken by the 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference and the activities carried out by the ITU-T, ITU-D and ITU-R Sectors.
Moderator: Snith Xaphakdy, Director General of Planning and Cooperation Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
- Overview of ITU, Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, TSB, ITU
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
- Overview of ITU-D Activities in Asia-Pacific, Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office, Asia-Pacific
[ Biography | Presentation ]
- ITU-R Standardization Activities, Colin Langtry, Chief, Study Groups Department, BR, ITU
[ Biography | Presentation ]
12:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:00 |
Session 2: ICT Development Challenges for Laos and countries in the region
This session will assess the ICT challenges in countries in the region and highlight the evolution of the ICT sector in those regions and targets to be achieved for the development of ICT for the future. The session will also highlight areas where assistance of ITU is needed.
Moderator: Chaleun Sibounheuang, Deputy Director General of Telecommunication Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
- ICT Development Status in Lao, Pasith SISOMBOUNH, Director Office, Research Center, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
[ Presentation ]
- ICT Standardization Challenges in Viet Nam, Le Duc Cuong, Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam
[ Presentation ]
- Bridging the Standardization Gap - Bangladesh perspective, Zakir Hossain, Director, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
[ Biography | Presentation ]
- ICT Promotion and Standardization Challenges for Nepal, Babu Ram Dawadi, Asst. Director, Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA)
[ Biography | Presentation ]
15:00 - 16:20 |
Session 3: Bridging the standardization gap
This session will assess the impact of ICT standardization challenges in the region and present the categorization of countries in the region on the National Standards Capability Scale. The session will also consider strategies that promote standards in the region.
Moderator: Chaleun Sibounheuang, Deputy Director General of Telecommunication Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
- ICT standardization at international level, Gary Fishman, Former ITU-T TSAG Chairman
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation]
- Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG), Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, TSB, ITU
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
- ICT standardization challenges in Laos, Ms. Phavanhna Douangboupha, Deputy Director of Administrative, Legal and Cooperation Division, Planning and Cooperation Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
- TTA activities on Bridging the Standardization Gap, Kihun Kim, Deputy Director, Standards Collaboration Department, TTA
[ Biography | Presentation]
16:20 - 16:40 |
Coffee break |
16:40 - 17:30 |
Session 4: Hot Standardization Topics
This session will address current standardization topics in ITU-T Study Groups. It will present each topic from various perspectives: technology, evolution and trends, current and future studies, new services that could derive from new technologies.
Moderator: Valaxay Dalaloy, Deputy Director General of e-Government Center, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
- Cloud Computing work in ITU-T, Chae Sub Lee, Chairman ITU-T SG 13
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
- Future networks and NGN, T. Egawa, ITU-T SG 13
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
- IMT Advanced, Colin Langtry, Chief, Study Groups Department, BR, ITU
[ Biography | Presentation ]
- Emergency Communications, T. Egawa, ITU-T SG 13
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation ]
31 July 2012 |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Session 5 : NGN and Broadband
This session will focus on the opportunities that NGN and mobile broadband can offer countries in the region and the policies and strategies that are needed for implementing these technologies.
- NGN & Wireless Broadband Case Studies, Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office, Asia-Pacific
[ Biography | Presentation]
- Telco CDN interconnection for Global Content Exchange, Youngseok Lee, Director, KT
[ Biography | Abstract | Presentation]
- Mobile broadband market trends and insight, Osang Kweon, Chief, Korea Communications Agency
[ Biography | Presentation ]
10:30 - 10:45 |
Coffee break |
10:45 - 12:15 |
Session 6: Technical Tutorial on ITU-T Recommendations on ICT and Climate Change
The ITU-T activities and standards (L.1400, L.1410) on ICT and Climate Change will be presented in this session.
- ITU-T activities and standards (L.1400, L.1410) on ICT and Climate Change, Takafumi Hashitani, ITU-T Study Group 5, Q.18 Associate Rapporteur
[ Biography | Presentation ]
12:15 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Session 7: Discussion Forum: Participation in ITU-T Standardization Process
This interactive session will provide an overview of how countries in the region can participate in the ITU-T standardization process and create a corresponding ITU-T preparatory process at the national level. Some of the topics that will be addressed are:
- Getting ready at home: Creating a National Process for ITU-T
- Participation in the ITU-T standardization process: How to do it well
- Concrete steps to get started
16:00 - 16:15 |
Coffee Break |
16:15 - 17:00 |
Session 7 : Discussion Forum: Participation in ITU-T Standardization Process (continued) |
17:00 - 17:30 |
Session 8: Conclusions and Wrap Up |