Hoda shakra is the supervisor of the Green ICT program in Ministry of Communication and Information Technology(MCIT), Egypt. She received her bachelor degree in Electrical engineering/computer systems in 2004.In 2012, she joined Nile University for post graduate study on Management of technology and she is currently working in developing her thesis on E-waste management. From 2004-2009 She worked as a demonstrator in Electrical and Computer Engineering department-faculty of Engineering. Since 2009 she joined MCIT, she is supervising the implementation of the green ICT initiative at the national and international level. She participated in the development of MCIT strategic Business plan 2020, MCIT strategy 2012-2017, and the Framework of the National Green ICT strategy. She Participated in the development of Luxor Call to Action “Building a Water Resource Efficient Green Economy” , Cairo Roadmap on “ICT and Environmental Sustainability”, Study on “ICT’s Potential for Energy Saving and GHG Emissions reduction in the Built Environment-Egypt, Recommendation L. 1500 L. adaptation framework, L.1501 L. Countries adaptation, Guidelines report on “Preparatory Information for the Implementation of an Electronic Waste Pilot Project in Egypt”, Booklet on ”Guidelines for Green ICT in Daily life”, and Inception report on “Needs assessment of the E-waste sector in Egypt”.