ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


Zeuch_Wayne-photo.jpgWayne Zeuch is an ICT consultant who has led and contributed to telecommunications standardization since 1987 with the ITU (serving as ITU-T SG 11 Working Party Vice Chair for Intelligent Network Applications and Protocols from 1997-2004) and with ATIS Standards Committee T1 in the United States (serving as T1 Vice Chairman from 2000-2004).  He served eight years as a member of ATIS’ T1 Advisory Group and six years (2002-2007) on the Board of Directors of The Parlay Group (Application Interface and Web Service standards).  For the past 16 years (since 1999), Mr. Zeuch has been an active contributor to the activities of CITEL PCC.I (Organization of American States) and as an invited speaker on Next Generation Networks, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Broadband Technologies, Lawful Electronic Surveillance, and Number Portability.  He is currently Vice Chair of the CITEL PCC.I Working Group on Deployment of Technologies and Services and Rapporteur for Standards, Conformity and Interoperability. 

Joining Bell Laboratories in 1985, Wayne Zeuch worked 23 years for AT&T’s U.S. and international systems engineering organizations and the standards management organizations of AT&T, Lucent Technologies, and Alcatel-Lucent.  He holds a B.S. in Physics from the Illinois Institute of Technology, an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan, and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from the University of Chicago.