ITU's 160 anniversary

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Thomas_Lammer-photo.jpgThomas Lammer joined the World Bank Group’s Payment Systems Development Group as Senior Payment Systems Specialist in Sept. 2013. While working on global level, most of his current projects are in Africa and South East Asia. Thomas contributes to major financial inclusion initiatives, among others to the Payments Aspects of Financial Inclusion Task Force, the Universal Financial Access 2020 Agenda, and the ITU Focus Group on Digital Financial Services. His current policy work focuses on payment innovations (incl. virtual currencies and a variety of digital financial services aspects) and the costs of retail payments. From 2008-2013 he was Market Infrastructure Expert at the European Central Bank and closely involved in a variety of aspects of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) project and the European Forum for the Security of Retail Payments. From 2001-2008 he managed the implementation of several payment projects (e.g. introduction of a clearing service) for the Austrian Central Bank. He graduated from the Vienna University for Economics and Business, was a visiting expert at Banca d’Italia and is the author of books and articles on payment services.