ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


ITU Workshop on "Big Data"
Geneva, Switzerland, 17 June 2014


Workshop Moderator: Duo Liu, Vice President, MIIT/CATR. China [ Biography ]

​13:30 - 17:00Registration
​16:30 - 16:35​Opening Remarks
​16:35 - 17:00Beyond Anecdotes - Spinning the Yarn of Big Data       
​17:00 - 17:25 Big Data: Industry & Standards
​17:25 - 17:50 Privacy Challenges of Telco Big Data ​           
​17:50 - 18:15Big Data: Meaning for Telecommunications
18:15 - 18:40 Data Broker & Digital Rights: The Need for Dialogue          
18:40 - 19:05 Social Renovation by ICT