ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


Joint ATU-ITU Seminar on the outcomes of WTSA-12 and WCIT-12
South Africa, 10-11 July 2013


Day 1 - wednesday, 10 July 2013

Day 1: WCIT-12 Regional Debriefing Meeting
(Wednesday, 10 July 2013)
08:00 Registration
​09:00 - 09:30

Opening Ceremony:

Welcome and Keynote Remarks:

Meeting Chair: South Africa

Keynote Remarks:

​09:30 - 10:15

Session A: WCIT outcomes – an overview 

 Objective: To provide a broad and factual overview of WCIT outcomes.


10:15 - 11:15​

Session A: Africa Common Proposals to the WCIT-12 and key discussions and outcomes of WCIT-12 on the proposals

Objectives: This session willoverview the African common proposals presented to WCIT 12, and highlights the key discussions, either from the African delegations or other delegations having different views, and how the compromises were reached. 


​11:15 - 11:30 Coffee Break
​11:30 - 12:30

Session B: An analysis of key outcomes of WCIT

Objectives: To provide a detailed analysis on some key provisions of the revised ITRs



​12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30

Session C: Impact of the new ITRs and WCIT-12 Resolutions on Africa’s interests (by ATU Secretariat)

Objectives: To extract the key issues embedded in the new ITRs and WCIT-12 Resolutions, and  to elaborate on how these could  have a change on the future of  International Telecommunications. The session also aims at analyzing the  impact the new ITRs might have on Africa's interests.


​15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
​16:00 - 17:30

Session D: Proposals on an Action Plan on the Implementation of the Treaty, Time Frames, Responsibilities and Modalities for Collaboration between African Member States

Objectives: To consider a proposals on plan of action  for  collaborative work between ATU members towards the appropriate implementation of the new ITRs and WCIT-12 Resolutions, such as: the  ratification of the treaty; how to make use of its positive aspects and how to counteract any shortcomings from the point of view of the African Countries, how Africa can tackle the consequent key issues of the ITRs within the ITU Study Groups and other ITU Fora.

Moderator: Jim Paterson, Director, Dept. of Communications, South Africa


 *To be confirmed

Day 2 - ThUrSDAY, 11 July 2013

Day 2: WTSA-12 Regional Debriefing Meeting
(Thursday, 11 July 2013)


​09:00 - 09:15

Overview on WTSA-12 outcomes, Xiaoya Yang,  Head, WTSA Programmes Division, ITU-TSB [ Biography | Presentation ]

​09:15 - 10:30 ​ ​

Session A: Africa Common Proposals to WTSA-12, key discussions and outcome of WTSA-12 on the proposals.

Objectives: This session will overview the African common proposals presented to WTSA-12, and highlights the key discussions, either from the African delegations or other delegations having different views,  and how the compromises were reached. Also will focus on how WTSA-21 has revised the scope of work of the Study Groups as well as the rules of procedures to conduct the work in the ITU-T Sector.

Moderator: Sherif Guinena, Advisor to the Executive President, National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority\, (NTRA), Egypt  [ Biography ]

09:15 - 10:30 ​ ​ ​

Quick overview of the African Common Proposals to WTSA- 12  

Key updates and highlights on ITU-T mandates and working methods  

​10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

​11:00 - 12:30 ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​

Session B: Presentations on key issues of WTSA-12 Resolutions that are of interest to Africa

Objectives: Speakers from ITU-T leadership from Africa region and ITU-TSB staff will present key issues addressed in WTSA-12 Resolutions identified by ATU, in particular the scope of work of the Study Groups, the rules of procedures to conduct the work in the ITU-T Sector, and the specific Resolutions that may have an impact on the interests of African Member States.  

Moderator: Raynold C. Mfungahema, Director, Consumer and Industry Affairs, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) [ Biography ]

Bridging the Standardization Gap  

Numbering and Services Provision:

Conformance and Interoperability  


​12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 14:20​

Accounting and Economics  

​14:20 - 15:30

Session C: Proposals on an Action Plan for the implementation of relevant WTSA-12 Resolutions that may have impact on the interests of Africa.

Objectives: To discuss proposed Action Plans that sets Action Lines, Implementation scenarios, Time frame, Responsibilities and  Leaderships, and Modalities for Collaboration, towards the implementation of the relevant WTSA-12 Resolutions that may impact the interest of Africa.



​15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
​16:00 - 17:00

Session D: Wrap-up session on WCIT-12 and WTSA-12 outcomes and implementation strategies.

Objectives: In this concluding session, a wrap-up of the discussions will be presented, focusing on the way forward for the collaborative work between the African Member States under the umbrella of ATU, for the proper and effective implementation of the ITRs, WCIT-12 Resolutions and WTSA-12 Resolutions.


 *To be confirmed