13:00 - 14:05 EEST (UTC+3)
| Workshop 1
Welcome address - Nina Linder, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki, Finland: [Presentation]
- Thomas Wiegand, Chair FG-AI4H, Fraunhofer HHI & TU, Berlin, Germany: [Presentation]
- Mark Daly, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM)
Moderator: Johan Lundin, FIMM, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden - Harrison Kaingu, Kinondo Clinic, Kenya: “Implementing clinical studies of AI for cervical cancer at the point-of-care at the Kinondo Clinic”
- Leo Kärkkäinen, Aalto University, Finland: “Ethics of AI within health” [Presentation]
- Louise Druedahl, Kopenhagen University, Denmark: “Regulatory responses to medical machine learning” [Presentation]
| Symposium 1
Welcome address
- Joachim Krois, dentalXr.ai, Germany & Falk Schwendicke, Charite, Berlin, Germany
- Sergio Uribe: “The role of AI in solving translational and implementation research challenges in dentistry” [Presentation]
- Ulrike Kuchler: “AI in the field of Oral Surgery” [Presentation]
- Olga Tryfonos: “Periodontology and AI”
- Nielsen Pereira: “Applications of AI in the field of Radiology”
15:00 - 15:45 EEST (UTC+3)
| Workshop 2: AI in dental diagnostics and digital dentistry
Keynote address: Joachim Krois, dentalXr.ai, Germany & Falk Schwendicke, Charite, Berlin, Germany: [Presentation] - Falk Schwendicke, Charite, Berlin, Germany: "AI in dentistry; more precise or not?"
- Joachim Krois, dentalXr.ai, Germany : "The TG Dental-The Value of Benchmarking for Dental AI" [Presentation]
16:00 - 18:00 EEST (UTC+3)
| Workshop 3 : Regulations, ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health
- Sameer Pujari, WHO: “Overview of Global Strategy and Digital Health” [Presentation]
- Rohit Malpani, WHO: “Overview of the Ethics and Governance of AI4H”
- Shada Alsalamah, WHO: “Overview of the Regulatory Considerations on AI4H” [Presentation]
Concluding remarks | Symposium 2
- Teodora Karteva: “Endodontics and AI” [Presentation]
- Rata Rokhshad: “AI Applications in Dentistry: Ethical Considerations” [Presentation]
- Jelena Roganovic: “Are we (in Serbia) ready to embrace AI in dental practice?”
- Lubaina T. Arsiwala: “Impact of artificial intelligence on gaze patterns of dentists: A randomized controlled trial” [Presentation]
- Nielsen Pereira: “The use of AI in Dental Photography as an important tool for improving oral health - concept project”
- Balazs Feher: “Emulating Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning for Jaw Cysts with Machine Learning”
- Parul Khare: “Machine Learning for Classification of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia and Diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma” [Presentation]
- Teodora Karteva & Maxime Ducret: “A Roadmap to Autodontics” [Presentation]
Concluding remarks