ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world


Forum on "The city we want: smart and  sustainable"
Genoa, Italy, 18 June 2014


 18 June 2014 

​14:00 - 15:00Registration
​15:00 - 15:30​Opening Ceremony
​15:30 - 16:15Keynote Speeches

Questions and Answers

​16:15 - 16:30Coffee Break
​16:30 - 17:15Keynote Speeches

Questions and Answers   

​17:15 - 18:15
​Session: Partnering to build the cities we want: improving livability, functionality and sustainability through ICT

Cities are responsible for more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions and accountable for 60-80% of the global energy consumption. Cities need to invent new ways to achieve sustainable development and meet the challenges of the 21st century — low-carbon energy, sustainable supply of potable water, reduced air and water pollution, effective waste management, and strong resilience to global climate change. Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can revolutionize our society by providing digital solutions to improve quality life and enable energy efficiency achievements.

This session will provide a platform to discuss challenges faced by municipalities and the role ICT can play in helping develop smart sustainable cities worldwide.

Moderator: Paolo Pissarello, Deputy President, Genova Smart City Association [Biography]

Speakers: ​        

Questions and Answers

​18:15 - 18:30 Wrap-up and closing remarks

 *To be confirmed