Fernando Hernandez Sanchez, (IEEE SM) was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. He received the Industrial Engineer Op. Electronics degree from the University of the Republic, in 1989 and the MBA in Telecommunications Enterprises [with Honor Mention], from the Catholic University, Uruguay, in 2001. From 1993 to 2003, he was a Chief Engineer in the National Telecommunication Enterprise (ANTEL). For the past ten years he worked in the Regulatory Unit for Communication Services (URSEC). He has more than 10 years of experience as a senior advisor and now has the position of Telecommunications Department manager in URSEC. Also, he is currently a professor in the ORT Uruguay University. Before, he has worked 14 years in the University of the Republic. He is author of several papers and articles on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) published in international technical magazines. He has been an active participant in Iberoamerica group of Universities and Research Institutes which studies EMC in integrated circuits and systems. His research interests include Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Improving Systems and integrated circuit reliability (HD& SW), as well as testing methods.