Raffaele Bolla received the "laurea" degree in Electronic Engineering in 1989 and the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications in 1994 and he is currently Full Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, and Naval Architecture (DITEN). He is leading the Telecommunication Networks and Telematics Laboratory (TNT LAB) at DITEN (www.tntlab.unige.it) focused on the Future Internet technologies and ICT sustainability. He is the reference person for International relations of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genoa, and he has been Principal Investigator for DIST, DITEN and CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications) in a large number of research projects and contracts with both public Institutions and private companies. Among the most recent and relevant activities are the coordination of ECONET (low Energy COnsumption NETworks), an European FP7 Integrated Project (with a cost of about 10 million Euro), the CNIT Research Unit coordination in the Network of Excellence (NoE) TREND (Towards Real energy-efficient Network Design), the study entitled “An Energy-aware Survey on Mobile-Phone Chargers” realized for GeSi and ITU-T (the Global e-Sustainability Initiative), the role of rapporteur of the ETSI Working Item 0030 – Green Abstraction Layer inside the ETSI Environmental Engineering Technical Committee and the Editor, and some roles in the WG5 in ITU-T . He has been acting as reviewer for many funded project proposals (both from industrial and academic sources) for the Italian and foreign ministries and public entities (regional and national organizations, research consortia,…); additionally, he has been a reviewer also for many different international journals and has participated in technical committees of numerous international conferences. He has co-authored over 200 scientific publications in international journals and international conference proceedings. Most of his research experience is focused on modeling and control of multimedia IP networks, on the design and development of high-performance software router platforms with the Software Define Networks and Network Virtualization Functions advance capabilities and on the study and development of mechanisms, techniques and protocols for energy consumption reduction in telecommunication networks.