Nicolas Brogné Head of GreenPact, Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform (CA-GIP)
Nicolas is in charge, within Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform CSR Department, of implementing carbon accounting & reporting at scale, to guide path towards low-carbon IT infrastructures. CA-GIP delivers ICT services to Credit Agricole Business entities, covering digital workplace, mainframe, open and cloud data/AI technologies, cybersecurity, datacenters. Nicolas initiated the first reporting & accounting initiatives that led to the implementation and deployment of a trusted carbon reporting and accounting platform to enable transition towards more sustainable IT infrastructures, integrating natural capital in accounting practices at organization and product levels. Nicolas has more than 20 years of experience spanning ICT, data & analytics, innovation, strategy and sustainability in various industries. He graduated from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Grenoble Ecole de Management and Centrale Supelec. He contributed to collaborative sustainability projects led by Institut du Numérique Responsable and ADEME. |
Dirk Bunke Senior Scientist, Öko-Institut e.V.
Dirk is a husband, father and grandfather, a Christian, birdwatcher and West Coast Swing Dancer (Level 2). He is a graduate chemist and environmental scientist. He works since 1991 at the Öko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology) in Freiburg. His main focus is on hazardous substances and their substitution and the sustainability assessment of chemicals. To assess problematic substances in life cycle analysis he developed the approaches of MEG equivalents and the SVHC Score. Recently he is involved in the ecological footprint analysis of digital services. He contributes to the development of “ChemSelect” – a tool for the sustainability assessment of chemicals and mixtures, in ten languages (see Dirk habilitated in 2003 on the topic of “Pollutants in the private household”. Since 2010, he gives lectures as adjunct professor at the Freiburg University of Education with a focus on chemicals in and topics of sustainability in everyday life. He is a member of the expert group on persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals (PBT) at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). |
Jean-Manuel Canet ITU-T SG5 Vice-Chair and Q9/5 Rapporteur / Senior Manager, Climate Biodiversity, Orange
Jean Manuel Canet is a Senior Manager in charge of Climate and Biodiversity in the CSR Department of Orange Group. He has developed an expertise in the assessment of the environmental impact of ICT goods, services and organizations. He earlier led numerous projects to assess and reduce GHG emissions related to IT, for customers such as the European Parliament, France Télévisions or Zurich Financial Services. He serves as Vice-Chairman of ITU-T SG5 and Co-Rapporteur of the “Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement” question. He served as a member of the Advisory Panel of the UNFCCC “Momentum for Change” initiative. Jean-Manuel graduated from Télécom ParisTech and the MBA Programme of the “Collège des Ingénieurs”. He holds a certificate in carbon accountancy from the French National Agency for Energy and Environment and a certificate in carbon finance from Carbone 4 Academy.
Simon Cook ETSI WG EE02 Chair / Electrical Specialist, BT Group
Simon Cook is an Electrical Specialist at BT Group and Chairperson of the ETSI EE2 Working Group (Power Supply). As part of his role at BT Group, Simon is responsible for the policies and standards associated with electrical infrastructure supporting ICT equipment across the BT Core Network estate. Simon’s role sees him focusing developing standards to drive energy efficiency / energy saving, sustainability and innovation which in turn is allowing BT Group to retire legacy equipment and expand to support new services. Simon has been involved in the telecommunications and data centre industry for the last 30 years leading on standardisation, policy, compliance, safety, design and delivery. Prior to joining BT Group, Simon was an Infrastructure Design engineer for Orange and EE, developing standards and designing new power infrastructure supporting both the RAN and the Core Network. At ETSI, Simon is the Chairperson of the EE2 Working Group who lead on driving standards for Power Supply and grounding associated with telecommunication infrastructure and equipment.
Daniel Dianat Ericsson / Vice Chair of ETSI EE and the Vice Chair of ITU-T SG5
Daniel Dianat holds an M.Sc. in Mobile Telecommunications and has over 25 years of experience in the field. Currently employed at Ericsson, he specializes in RAN (Radio Access Network) energy performance. In 2006, Daniel served as a feature designer for Ericsson's first BTS (Base Transceiver Station) power-saving features, and he has been deeply involved in energy performance-related tasks ever since. Presently, he works as a project manager for RAN energy performance measurement standardization at Ericsson. In addition to his role at Ericsson, Daniel also serves as the Vice Chair of ETSI EE and the Vice Chair of ITU-T SG5 |
Antonio De Domenico Senior Researcher, Huawei
Antonio De Domenico (Senior Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Grenoble in 2012. From 2012 to 2019, he was a Research Engineer with CEA LETI MINATEC in Grenoble, France. In 2018, he was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is currently a Principal Engineer with Huawei Technologies France in Paris, France. Dr. De Domenico has organized several workshops and special sessions at IEEE flagship conferences, including IEEE Globecom and IEEE ICC. He has also been a member of the technical program committee for various IEEE conferences and a guest editor for IEEE journal special issues. Antonio is the primary inventor or co-inventor of more than 25 patents and the co-author of over 80 publications. Since 2023, he has been co-leading the network energy efficiency activities within the Green Future Network project of the NGMN Alliance. Antonio is also an active participant in ITU-T SG13, focusing on the integration of AI in networks. He co-chairs the Working Group on Datasets and Competitions of the IEEE Large Generative AI Models in Telecom Emerging Technology Initiative (GenAINet ETI) and the Architecture Working Group of the ITU-T Focus Group on AI-Native Networks (FG AI-Native). His research interests include network modeling and optimization, AI for networks, network for AI, and green communications.
Jan Ellsberger Director-General, ETSI
Jan Ellsberger is a globally recognised leader in the ICT industry with more than 30 years of experience with research and innovation, industry ecosystem development, standardisation, policy development & regulation, and strategy development in the telecommunications and automotive industries. From 2000-2012 he was leading Ericsson’s global standardisation operations. He has also served in leading positions in several industry associations such as 3GPP, 5GAA, ERTICO and the Horizon Europe CCAM Association.
Felix Freitag Associate Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Felix Freitag is an Associate Professor at the Computer Architecture Department of the Politechnic University of Catalunya (UPC), which he joined in 1999. He obtained a PhD in Telecommunication Engineering from the UPC. In recent years, his research has focused on community clouds, LoRa mesh networks and federated learning.
Paolo Gemma ETSI WG EEPS and ITU-T SG5 WP 2/5 Chair/Huawei
Paolo Gemma is a senior specialist and representative of Huawei on issues related to energy saving and environmental sustainability.
Prior to joining Huawei, Dr. Gemma was working with Nokia Siemens Networks, where he was responsible for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and electrical safety areas. He also worked in the Siemens Communications Division. Dr. Paolo Gemma also plays an active role in international standardization activities. Since 1993, he has been engaged in ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) activities and he also participates in the development of EMC standards. In 1997, Dr. Gemma joined ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, Climate Change, and Circular Economy as a Rapporteur and he is now the Chairman of Working Party 2 “Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy”. He also acts as Vice-chairmen of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. In 2002, Paolo Gemma was appointed as the Secretary of the Committee ETSI TC EE and as of 2009, he holds the position of Chairman of the EEPS EE (eco Environmental product standard) working group. Paolo Gemma is a graduate of electrical engineering from the University of Genoa. |
Geordie George
Chief Scientist, 3GPP Delegate, Broadband and Broadcast, Fraunhofer IIS
Dr. Geordie George received the M.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in information and communication technologies from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, in 2017. From 2009 to 2011, he was a Research Engineer with the Center of Excellence in Wireless Technologies, Chennai, India, where he worked on the evaluation of the IMT Advanced standards, IEEE 802.16m and 3GPP LTE-A. He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with UPF Barcelona, from 2017 to 2018. In 2018, he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Erlangen, Germany, where he is currently Chief Scientist and 3GPP RAN1 delegate within the Broadcast and Broadband Department, working on 5G Advanced standardization and 6G research, with a focus on energy saving topics. |
Beniamino Gorini
ETSI TC-EE chair / ITU-T SG5 vice-chair
Beniamino Gorini works in Nokia as product compliance manager and environmental standardization specialist. He has been working in telecommunication industries in various departments going through Research & Development, Quality, testing laboratories, product compliance/regulatory matters and standardization. He is currently in charge of the Environmental Compliance laboratories in Nokia Italy and highly contributes in Nokia for the standardization on Environmental matters. Since more than 35 years he has been involved in standardization bodies (i.e. IEC, ITU-T, ETSI, CENELEC) with main focus on environmental standards, electromagnetic compatibility, power supply distributions/interfaces, safety and reliability topics for ICT products. He has various roles in International Standardization bodies and, to cite few of them, he is currently chair of the ETSI TC “Environmental Engineering” and Vice-chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5. He has the master in electronic engineer at the Polytechnic of Milano (Italy). |
Vanessa Gray Head,
Head of Division on Climate Change and Emergency Telecommunications, BDT, ITU
Vanessa Gray is the Head of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau’s (BDT) Division on Climate Change and Emergency Telecommunications. She is responsible for developing and overseeing projects and technical assistance on disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. This includes the development of national emergency telecommunication plans (NETPs) and the organization of regional and national workshops and capacity building exercises for disaster management. In the area of disaster response, Ms Gray leads the work on the Disaster Connectivity Maps (DCM) and the deployment of emergency telecommunication equipment to countries hit by disasters. Ms Gray is the ITU focal point for the UN’s Early Warning for All (EW4all) initiative and coordinates the initiative’s pillar on Warning Dissemination and Communication, to ensure that alerts reach people at risk. She is also responsible for the organization of the Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunication (GET) and specific ICT for disaster management tools and publications, for example in the area of disruptive technologies, gender, and ICT drills. In the area of the environment, Ms Gray coordinates the BDT's work on the circular economy and green digital transformation, which includes monitoring industry emissions, energy use and climate commitments from tech companies, and supporting countries in tracking ICT sector GHG emissions. In the area of circular economy, Ms Gray manages the work on e-waste policies and data, which includes the publication of the Global and Regional E-waste Monitors. Her role is to build public-private partnerships, develop projects and strengthen the role of the BDT in terms of e-waste coordination, for example with the E-waste Coalition, the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, and with the private sector. Prior to this position, Ms Gray was part of the ITU's Data and Statistics Division and contributed to the design and preparation of the Division's analytical publications, including the Measuring the Information Society Report (MISR). She also contributed to and coordinated the analysis of information society developments, organized ICT-related meetings, and delivered national and regional trainings and workshops on ICT statistics to ITU member states. Ms Gray holds a Master's degree in Political Science and Economics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. |
Xiangwei Jing Director of Green and Sustainability Standards, ZTE
Xiangwei Jing holds a master of science degree in electrical and electronic engineer in Imperial College London. He joined ZTE Corporation in 2021 and responsed for EMC(electromagnetic compatibility) and green standards in different standards development organisations, such as ITU, ETSI, 3GPP and CCSA etc. During his three years career life, he acts as the Vice-chairman in CCSA, rapporteur in 3GPP and editors in ITU and ETSI, leading the discussion of more than 10 international standards and further participating in more than 50 international standards. Besides the technical standards work. Up to now, he is the director of green and sustainability standards and represents the leader of youth power in ZTE Corporation.
Susanna Kallio Head of Sustainability Standardization, Nokia
Susanna Kallio works as Head of sustainability standardization at Nokia, coordinating the Nokia standardization activities in sustainability area. Her main areas of expertise include environmental impact assessment, LCA, circularity, and sustainable AI. She has been working as standardization delete in Nokia since 1999; first in 3GPP on mobile network architecture related topics and later as a delegate in ETSI EE and ITU-T SG5 meetings. For the last couple of years she has been also a delegate in ISO JTC1 SC42 and CEN/CENELEC JTC21 for sustainable AI. Susanna. received her M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University in Espoo, Finland. |
Georgios Karagiannis Principal Strategist, Standardisation and Industry Development, Huawei
Dr. ir. Georgios Karagiannis holds a Ph.D. degree and a M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. In 1998 he joined the Wireless Multimedia Research unit of Ericsson Eurolab Netherlands in Enschede, Netherlands, where he stayed until April 2003. From April 2003 to August 2014 he worked as Assistant Professor at the Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS) group of the University of Twente. In September 2014 he joined Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH as Principal Strategist in Standardization and Industry Development. He participated in several SDOs and alliances, such as AIOTI, IETF, ETSI, BBF and OSGi Alliance. Within (1) the AIOTI he serves as chair of the AIOTI WG ICM - now renamed to Green ICT Enablement (GIE) and co-chair of AIOTI WG Standardisation, and served as the AIOTI Steering Board Chair in 2020, (2) the European Observatory as chair of TWG IoT and Edge, (3) the OSGi Alliance he held a position as alternate member of the Board of Directors until November 2018, (4) the BBF, he held editing positions in the context of Cloud Central Office (CloudCO) and 5G Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) activities. |
Thomas Knothe
Head of Department Business Process and Factory Management, Chair CEN CLC JTC 24 DPP Framework and System, Fraunhofer IPK
Thomas holds a diploma for Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering and an Engineering Doctoral Degree at TU Berlin. He joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Production System and Design Technology as student in 1994. Today he is the department head of Business Process and Factory Management. His major applied R&D topic is business and technical interoperability in the frame of enterprise development and management. He invented and implemented concepts and solutions for modular Shopfloor IT, modular production systems as well as for self-organized planning and control. He managed international industrial and funded research projects in automotive, aerospace, defense and mechatronic equipment sectors in Europe, China, Russia, South Africa and US. Regarding Digital Product Passport, together with his colleague Patrick Gering, he is responsible for the Technical Guidance in the Frame of the Battery Pass Project ( Thomas is involved in standardization since more than 20 years, mainly in ISO TC 184 Automation systems and integration. Since December 2023 he acts as the Chair of CEN CLC JTC 24 DPP Framework and System, elaborating the harmonized technical standards for the European DPP. Thomas is a lecturer at TU Berlin and honorary professor at University of Applied Science TH Wildau. |
Irene Kitsara European Standardization Initiatives Director, IEEE Technology Center for Climate (ITCC), IEEE Vienna Global Office
Irene’s work at IEEE is focused on topics related to the green and digital transformation, digital governance, strategic partnerships and business development and is part of the core team of the IEEE Technology Center for Climate. She is currently working in the intersection of AI and sustainability, and led a joint IEEE-Council of Europe issues report on the metaverse. Irene’s experience includes providing factual evidence to support decision-making with technology trends publications at the World Intellectual Property Organization in 25 technology areas (including AI, assistive technology and e-waste recycling). Irene also worked at the European Patent Office, the European Commission, the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social law, German and Greek law firms. Irene is a Greek lawyer and holds a Masters in European and International Business law (LMU), with further training in responsible innovation (TU Delft), lifecycle assessment (LCA) for environmental impact assessments (MIT), AI business transformation (Northwestern/Kellogg School of Management), and is a certified IEEE AI Ethics Lead Assessor.
Jorge Laguna-Celis Head of the One Planet Network, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Jorge Laguna-Celis is the Head of the One Planet Network, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Based in Paris, the One Planet Network is a global community of practitioners, policymakers and experts working to accelerate the implementation of SDG 12: ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption and production. Jorge has previously worked for the United Nations in multiple capacities and possesses 20 years of experience in intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder processes, global sustainable development policies and sustainable development governance. Jorge holds an MA degree in International Trade from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (SciencesPo) Paris, alongside being an author of several publications and books on issues related to international affairs and sustainable development. His latest book entitled "From Rio+20 to a New Development Agenda: Building a Bridge to a Sustainable Future", was published in 2014 by Routledge. |
Nina Lövehagen Master Researcher, Ericsson AB
Nina Lövehagen holds a master of sceince degree in electrical engineering, She joined Ericsson Research in year 2000 and in the most recent years she has focused on climate impacts of ICT. The main focus has been on methodology development for assessing the enablement effect of ICT in other sectors as well as simplified methodologies for understanding the full environmental footprint of ICT. |
James Mutandwa Madya Ministry of ICT, Postal and Courier Services, Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe
James Mutandwa Madya holds a Master of Science Degree in Rural and Urban Planning from the University of Zimbabwe. He has a varied career spanning 30 years - ranging from development / project planning; road freight transport management; aviation management; and policy formulation and analysis in the Housing, Logistics and Transport, and ICT Sectors of Zimbabwe. He is currently the Deputy Director responsible for Policy and Strategic Planning in the Government of Zimbabwe’s Ministry of ICT, Postal and Courier Services. James has a wealth of contextual information and practical examples from Zimbabwe to share with colleagues and hopes to take away shared experiences and practical examples from elsewhere in Africa and beyond to contextualize back home. |
Yuji Maeda Director, NTT Space Environment and Energy Laboratories
Yuji Maeda received a Ph.D. in systems information science from Future University Hakodate, Hokkaido, in 2013. He joined NTT Telecommunication Networks Laboratories in 1991. He was engaged in research and development of solutions to social problems in the public sector, including natural disaster and emergency management, welfare, medical and health care and cybersecurity. He has been the Vice President of the R&D Vision Group in the NTT Research and Development Planning Department since 2018 and assumed his current position since 2020.
Frankline Makokha Deputy Director Standards and Type Approval, Communications Authority of Kenya
He has more than 15 years experience in the ICT industry with expertise in Standards Development, Systems Analysis and Design, Type Approval of ICT Equipment, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) matters, Telecommunication Numbering and Frequency Resources Management and ICT Projects Management. His academic qualifications are PhD in Computer Science, MSc in Computer Science and a BSc in Computer Science. He works at Communications Authority of Kenya in the Standards Type Approval and Numbering Department. He was a rapporteur for ITU-D SG1 on Emerging technologies, including cloud computing, m-services, and OTTs: Challenges and opportunities, economic and policy impact for developing countries during the 2018-2021 Study Cycle.
Jens Malmodin Ericsson
Jens Malmodin has 30 years of experience of energy efficient design, LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), environmental assessments in general and environmental data reporting at Ericsson. He has published many papers and articles about LCA of ICT products, networks, and services, including studies on the ICT sector level and how ICT can help society reduce its impact on the environment. Jens holds an MSc in material engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
Marja Matinmikko-Blue Director of Sustainability and Regulation, 6G Flagship, University of Oulu
Marja Matinmikko-Blue works as Research Director at University of Oulu in Finland, where she is Director of Sustainability and Regulation in the 6G Flagship program. She holds a Doctor of Sci-ence degree in communications engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in industrial engineering and management. She has been conducting multi-disciplinary research into the technical, business, and regulatory aspects of mobile communication systems in close collaboration with industry, academia, and regulators for over two decades. She has published 200+ scientific publi-cations and prepared 200+ contributions for regulatory bodies at national, European, and international levels. She participates in IMT-2030 work in ITU-R WP5D.
Leandro Navarro Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC.EDU)
Leandro Navarro is the professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC.EDU). PhD in telecommunications. Coordinator of the distributed systems group at UPC. Co-rapporteur of ITU-T Q7/SG5: E-waste, circular economy and sustainable supply chain management. Research topics on distributed systems and digitalisation, considering networking and computing infrastructures, interested in sustainability, development, economics, decentralization, transparency, accountability, governance, and digital inclusion.
Noelia Garcia Nebra Head of Sustainability, ISO
Noelia Garcia Nebra is a sustainability, trade and development expert with over 15 years of international experience. Currently serving as the Head of Sustainability at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), she is dedicated to integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the organization’s strategy and operations. Previously, Ms. Garcia played a pivotal role in ISO's Capacity Building unit, focusing on enhancing standards and regulations, advocating for good standardization practices, and leading gender-related initiatives across developing and least-developed countries. Her extensive background also includes significant roles with the United Nations, where she concentrated on advancing trade, investment, and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Marisol Palmero Principal Architect, Cisco Systems
As a Principal Architect in the CTO team within the Customer Experience Organization for the EMEA region, my expertise at Cisco has predominantly focused on Network Management. Currently, my emphasis is on Service Provider networks and automation technologies, where I lead customer projects that aim to optimize energy consumption and standardize data ingestion across various Cisco platforms. I have a keen interest in Telemetry, and for the past three years, I have concentrated on Sustainability and Standardization. My role involves driving innovation through collaboration with diverse teams and business units across the company. Over the last two years, I have actively participated in IETF standardization efforts and contributed to IEEE publications, which led to receiving the TSIA Innovation on Customer Success Award in 2021. Within the CX Organization, I have developed new portfolio offerings and spearheaded the Automation community in EMEA, with a particular focus on Automation Technology and DevOps. My work is fueled by a commitment to advancing technology and enhancing customer experiences, ensuring Cisco's solutions remain at the forefront of innovation.
Mathieu Rama Programme Manager on Circular Electronics, ECOS
Master’s degree in environmental law – is a programme manager at ECOS, where he contributes to the Ecodesign regulatory and standardisation activities, and supports a number of EU projects, all with a focus on product policy, and in particular on circular electronics.
Prior to that, he worked as a policy officer for RREUSE (Re-use and Recyling European Union Social Enterprises), focusing on waste management and product policies that prolong the lifetime of products through re-use. |
Sparsh Singhal Senior Programme Manager, NGMN Alliance
Sparsh is an enthusiastic professional, carrying 17+ years' experience in Telecom (2G till 5G) and ICT Industry. He was instrumental in transformation of MS and telco tools applications and platforms with CI/CD exploring AI/ML use cases. He had stints with conglomerates like Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Accenture and Rakuten Symphony. Sparsh served organization in diverse roles as SME, Team Lead, Portfolio Management, Program, Management Consultant and Network Specialist. His latest assignments - Launch of Germany's first and world's second successful O-RAN on Open Network unleashing the Vendor agnostic Network - was one of its kind. He contributed this journey as consultant for process frameworks and supply chain of logistics and inventory, managing network rollout - DC, CU/DU, Edge-DC. Network testing on Prod. Sparsh is holding a bachelor’s degree in electronics and communication engineering and distant MBA in sales and marketing. At NGMN he is responsible for the Work Programmes on 6G, 5G Test & Trials and Cloud Native Interoperability.
Klaus Verschuere CISCO
Klaus Verschuere is responsible for Cisco's engagement in EU and international sustainability and circular economy programs: He’s active within the standards organisations ITU, CENELEC and ETSI where he’s leading the development of ETSI/ITU standards on energy efficiency and data deletion for servers under the Regulation 2019/424. Klaus contributes to trade associations on topics such as the ESPR and the Digital Product Passport within Amcham, TechUK, Agoria, ITI/Green Grid and to Digital Europe where he’s been chairman of the ecodesign workgroup for several terms and has been collaborating within third-party partnerships PACE, Capital Equipment Coalition, or the Circular Electronics Partnership to accelerate the circular economy within industry. His role also includes deep collaboration with internal business units to drive eco-design product compliance, sustainability programs with long-term value and Cisco’s net-zero engineering efforts. Klaus has a degree in Business Administration and a Master in Computer Science.
Stefan Wendt Senior Project Manager, 5G/6G Networks, Orange Innovation
Stefan is a senior project manager at Orange Innovation - Networks, specializing in radio networks. He has led multiple 5G B2B projects for verticals in the fields of industry and connected vehicles. Currently, he oversees the Values, Requirements, and Ecosystem work package within the Hexa-X-II 6G flagship European Project. With over 20 years of extensive technical experience in radio communication technologies, Stefan focuses on designing wireless network architectures, radio network planning, performance analysis, and field trial execution. He holds two M.Sc. degrees: one in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and another in Digital Radio Communications from Telecom ParisTech, France. |
Dominique Würges
ITU-T SG5 Chair/Orange
Dominique Würges is currently Chair of ITU-T Study Group 5 and Director of Institutional Relations for Standardisation within Orange. He is responsible for relationships with international organizations involved in standardization activities at national and international levels (ITU, ETSI, AFNOR, etc.), and participates in the governance meetings of these organizations. He is also vice-chair of ITU-D SG2 (ICT services and applications). He is active in many issues addressed by SDOs and foras, such as Green ICTs, network security, relations between carriers, or the evolution of the broadcasting standardization and system. At the European level, he is currently Vice-Chair of ETSI General Assembly, elected in 2018. Within European Commission, he is a Member of the European ICT Standardisation policy multi-stakeholder platform for ICTs standardization, representing ETNO. He is also a member of the French National Standardisation Organisation Strategic Committee and part of the Digital Broadcast Forum (FAVN). He has previously been Responsible for France Telecom’s External Relations and multilateral affairs, in charge of organizations focused on telecommunications questions, and before was Head of the Data and Directories Department of France Telecom. Education: Diploma from the ENSPTT/ENA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des PTT); Master’s Degree in Telecommunications and Broadcasting Management (Paris Dauphine); Diploma from Political Science Institute in Strasbourg. |