ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world



​Workshop on Cost Models for Data Services and International Internet Connectivity Cost

Lilongwe, Malawi ​

Day 1 - 8th April 2024
Local time in Malawi (UTC+2)
Watch recording
​09:00 - 09:45

​Opening Session
​09:45 - 10:30
​Group Photo + Coffee Break
​10:30 - 12:00
Session 1: Infrastructure sharing best practices 
Infrastructure sharing for mobile data services (both passive and active) described the process by which one or more operators shared infrastructure to deliver a mobile service to end users. The main objectives of the session were to discuss best practices for infrastructure sharing implementation for both active and passive infrastructure sharing, and lessons learned from different countries that could be incorporated into the work of the Focus Group on Costing models for affordable data services.​

Moderator: Hilda Mutseyekwa, POTRAZ
​12:00 - 13:30
Lunch Break
​13:30 - 15:00
Session 2: Application of Universal Service Fund (USF)
Achieving universal, affordable internet access was a key social and economic priority for countries around the world, and most countries had policies in place to ensure that internet access and use became a reality for all. To this end, many countries had established Universal Service Funds (USF) dedicated to expanding connectivity opportunities to unserved and underserved communities. The main objectives of the session were to discuss the economic and policy incentives for the proliferation of affordable data services, especially in unserved/underserved areas, and the role of the USF in this.​

Moderator: MC Sathish​, Deputy Administrator, Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF), Government of India​​
15:00 - 15:20​Coffee Break
​15:20 - 16:50
Session 3: Internet exchange points and best practices for international internet connectivity
This session discussed the role that Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) could play in making International Internet Connectivity more affordable and shared best practices and policy measures from countries that had implemented IXPs and the impact on the International Internet Connectivity cost.

Moderator: Andrew Nyirendra​, Director of Economic Regulations​, MACRA
​​​Day 2 - 9th April 2024
Local time in Malawi (UTC+2)​
Watch recording - morning

​​​09:00 - 10:30

Session 4: Unpacking the Internet supply chain from first mile to middle and last mile.
This session discussed the Internet supply chain from the first mile-middle mile to the last mile, focusing on both traditional and emerging business models for the provision of Internet connectivity. The session sought to unpack the traditional ISP 3 Tier models focusing on public peering, private peering, and the costing of transit connections, as well as emerging business models covering peering arrangements between access networks/telecom operators and content providers. The discussion also touched on the various Internet access/connection methods and emerging technologies at the end-user level.​

Moderator: Hilda Mutseyekwa, Vice Chair FG CD
​10:30 - 10:50
Coffee Break
​10:50 - 12:20
​Session 5: Regulatory, economic, and policy aspects impacting international internet connectivity in landlocked countries and small islands developing states.
This session considered the challenges, experiences, and approaches undertaken by regulators from different regions with regard to their cost model for IIC and best practices that could be considered for reducing the costs of international interconnection. It also explored the issues that are similar for groups of states, particularly SIDS and LLDCs, due to geography, which are distributed throughout different regions.​

Moderator: Umar Ssemakula​, Senior Officer, Competition and Pricing, Uganda Communications Commission
​12:20 - 12:35
Closing of Workshop
​12:35 - 14:00