30 January 2024 (Day 1)
09:30 - 09:45
| - Welcome remarks by ITU representatives.
- Introduction to the workshop's objectives, importance, and expected outcomes.
- Overview of the two-day agenda and structure.
09:45 - 10:45
Session 2: Review of September 2023 Workshop and general updates
- Rapporteur's review of September workshop.
- Update: Game audio developers and composers:
Brian Schmidt,
Brian Schmidt Studios [Presentation]
- Update: Video game industry:
Tatjana Sasche, Global Video Game Coalition
- Update: Esports industries:
Melita Moore, Global Esports Federation &
Sergi Mesanero, Video Games Europe
- Update: WHO:
Shelly Chadha, WHO [Presentation]
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30
Session 3: Review of the Draft Standard: Scope [Recording]
- Draft zero:
- WHO: Overview of changes since the September 2023 workshop:
Shelly Chadha, WHO [Presentation]
- Sony Corporation: Comments on the draft 0 (September 2023) [SG16-Q28-DOC3 (2024-01)]
- Draft standard: Clause 1 (Scope)
- Comments and discussion from participants
12:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break
14:30 - 15:45
Session 4: Review of Draft Standard:
Definitions till start of Clause 6 [Recording |
Captioning (Sessions 4&5)]
- Draft standard: Clause 3 (Definitions)
Definitions update: Contributions and recommendations for definitions to be used within the draft standard.
Adjustments to definitions, for e.g. Game player, Video gameplay device, Multi-purpose gameplay device, console etc.
Video gameplay device architecture block diagram
Placement of terms related to esports, e.g. esports live event (ELE), video game audience participant, etc.
15:45 - 16:15
Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:30
Session 5: Review of Deaft Standard: Clause 6 till Clause 8.1 [Recording]
- Draft standard Clause 6: continued
- Draft standard Clause 7: Page turn
Operational modes for video gameplay devices
- Draft standard Clause 8: Page turn.
Safe listening features: Reflection on features to be removed
Software vs. hardware features: A safe listening compliance pathway for both elements
Safe listening features: Prescriptive vs outcome-based
Health warnings: End user notification dismissal
Determining game loudness – could LUFS provide an answer?
"Safer" listening mode
Tinnitus sounds
Safe listening feature annex: Location of feature example within the draft standard
31 January 2024 (Day 2)
09:30 - 11:05
Session 6: Review of the Draft Standard: Clause 8.2 till end [Recording (Sessions 6&7) |
Captioning (Session 6&7)]
- Draft standard Clause 8: Continuation
- Draft standard Clause 9: Page turn.
Dosimetry in harmonious gameplay systems
Dosimetry in non-harmonious gameplay systems
Dosimetry warnings: End user notification dismissal
Headphone detection: Parallel location to allow software and hardware compliance
Textual based health warnings
- Draft standard Clause 10: Page turn.
Esports: the third pathway for safe listening compliance
How to protect the hearing of sports participants:
Live audience
Esports professional
Other participants (for example, live online viewers)
11:05 - 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30
Session 7:
Review of the Draft Standard: Clause 10.2 onswards, meeting wrap up and closing
Draft standard Clause 10.2: Continuation
Draft standard Clause 11: WHO-ITU video gameplay device output sensitivity value register.
Expanding to microphones
- Draft standard Clause 12 and 13, Appendices: Page turn
Live esports events; guidance on ancillary concerns
Safe listening feature example location
- Acknowledgment of the shared commitment to prioritizing hearing health in the gaming and esports community.
- Discussion of next steps, including potential collaborations and follow-up actions.