ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Program Committee

​​​​Stefano Polidori
Study Group Counsellor, ITU
Stefano is a Counsellor at the International Telecommunication Union and responsible for the technical secretariat of ITU-T Study Group 9 “Broadband cable and TV”. He is also responsible for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) activities, including the Symposium on the Future Networked Car at the Geneva Motor Show. Stefano is the ITU representative to the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardization at the European Commission. After few years in the private sector, joined the ITU in 2004 covering various positions including Coordinator for ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference and Advisor for Study Group 11 “Signalling, protocols and test specifications”. Stefano holds a Master in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome, Italy and a Master of Science in mobile communication from Aalborg University, Denmark.

Rosheen Awotar-Mauree
Advisor, ITU-D Study Group 1

Rosheen is the Advisor for ITU-D Study Group 1 which has as mandate “Enabling environment for Meaningful connectivity”. She has over 20 years professional experience in ICTs – leading IT Security initiatives and ICT projects in Government and ITU experience on regional and national work on ICT Regulation & Policies, Digital Inclusion, ICT centric innovation. She managed the Cyprus National CIRT project, the initial versions of the Global Cybersecurity Index & of the National Cybersecurity Strategy Guide formulation. More recently she led the development of a roadmap for Digital Knowledge Platform. She received her degree in Computer Science with honours in Information Systems, in 1994 and her MBA in 1996, both from Murdoch University, Perth, Australia with certifications CISSP, CRISC and PMD Pro level 1

Rodrigo Robles
ITU Regional Office America

Mr. Rodrigo Robles works as Program Officer of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It is the ITU focal point for emergency telecommunications in the Americas. Additionally, as part of ITU, he has led different studies such as "Policy Guidelines and Economic Aspects of Allocation and Use of the Spectrum", "The Development of Mobile Government in Latin America" '. He has also participated in different topics related to the convergence of telecommunications services, mobile banking, compliance and interoperability of telecommunications equipment, among others. Mr. Robles coordinated the third update of the Blue Book "Telecommunications Policy for the Americas Region (CITEL and ITU). Likewise, he was Chair of the Working Group on Policy and Regulation (GTPR) of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL-OAS), in addition he was Deputy Coordinator of the Standardization Committee of the Regional Technical Telecommunications Commission of Central America (COMTELCA). Prior to joining the ITU work team in 2013, Mr. Robles worked for more than 16 years in the Telecommunications Superintendence of Guatemala (SIT) and for 5 years in GUATEL (State telecommunications operator in Guatemala)

Ruoting Chang
Counsellor, ITU-R Study Group 6, BR, ITU, Geneva, Switzerland

The Counsellor of ITU-R Study Group 6 (broadcasting service). Before joining ITU in August 2018, he was the Director of frequency planning division and terrestrial radio services division of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technologies of P.R.C and the Vice-Chair of ITU-R Study Group 1 and the Chair of Working Party 1B on international spectrum management. He has been engaging in international radio frequency coordination activities from 2006, he used to be the key coordinator in China’s delegation in World Radiocommunication Conferences 2012 and 2015. 

Dr. Walid Mathlouthi

Dr. Walid Mathlouthi received a PhD in Optics, Photonics and Lasers. He spent his early career at Optical Research Laboratories in France, Italy, Canada and the US with Intel Corp where he worked, among other things, on the first Raman silicon laser. In 2010, he joined AT&T Labs in California as a Senior Member of Technical Staff. He worked mainly on data mining for complex Analysis/problem solving, Laboratory and field experimentation, 3G, 4G and LTE service quality and optimization, RF optimizations, Self-organizing Networks, Large scale UE data collection and analysis for actionable analytics and IP migrations such as VOLTE services. In 2015, Dr. Walid joined Google Headquarters in Mountain View as an Optical Network Architect. He worked on building high quality networks to provide broadband connectivity in emergent markets and connect the under-connected. Walid spent the last couple of years of his tenure at Google focusing on Google Global Data Center design to support cloud services deployments (compute, storage, ML Pods etc...). He recently joined in 2022 the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as head of Future Networks and Spectrum Management leading an international division responsible for infrastructure design and implementation in developing countries to help connect the unconnected.

​​​Mariana Sarmiento
CRC, Colombia

Mariana Sarmiento has a bachelor’s degree in Finance and International Relations from Universidad Externado de Colombia. She is specialist in Telecommunication Regulation and Management and New Technologies from the same university. Her work experience began in Colombia in 2004 as financial analyst for the Banco Conavi, today Bancolombia, and the Banco Agrario de Colombia. Since 2005, she works for the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC), advised several projects on telecom regulation. Also, she has been directing several areas of the CRC, such as: the Customer Service Area, the Administrative and Financial Area and the International Area. She is currently the Manager of the Agents Relationship at the CRC.

Hugo Hernán Romero Garzón
Adviser, Communications Regulation Commission (CRC), Colombia

Hugo Romero is an Electrical Engineer from the National University of Colombia, with specialization in Telecommunication Business Management at the University of the Andes. He has been working for telecommunications sector for 30 years. He has been linked to the Communications Regulation Commission for 9 years, where he has served as an adviser in telecommunications regulatory studies and projects such as Measures against theft of cell phones, International Mobile Roaming Service, Blocking radio signals in prisons, National Telecommunications System in Emergencies, Accounting Separation, Quality of Services, Access and interconnection, among other topics. In his professional career he worked also in telecommunications sector companies such as mobile operators directing for 15 years areas such as International Roaming Service, Fraud Control and Revenue Assurance
​​Simao Campos
Counsellor, ITU-T Study Group 16, TSB, ITU

Simão joined the secretariat of the ITU Standardization Sector in 2002, and is the Counsellor for ITU-T Study Group 16 (for standardization work on multimedia, including audio and video coding, accessibility/human factors, e-health, ITS, IPTV and digital signage) and ITU-T Focus Group on AI for health (FG-AI4H). He has a long experience in standardization, having started with voice compression standards in 1989. Prior to joining ITU, Simão was a Scientist at COMSAT Labs in the USA and a researcher at CPqD, a telecom research center in Brazil. A Senior Member of the IEEE, Simão authored several academic papers and position papers, served in the review committee of several IEEE-sponsored conferences, and organized the first ITU Kaleidoscope Conference.

Marcelo F. Moreno
Vice-Chair, ITU-T Study Group 16 I Associate Professor, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil

Marcelo Moreno is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), where he is also a permanent member of the Computer Science Postgraduate Program. He holds Master and Doctorate degrees in Informatics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). He is the Rapporteur of ITU-T Question 13/16 (Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV), co-chair of ITU Intersector Group on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband (IRG-IBB) and vice-chair of ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia). He is an editor of many ITU-T Recommendations and technical papers. He is also a coordinator of the Middleware Woking Group at the Brazilian Digital TV System Forum (SBTVD). He has a solid history of publications and presentations in both academia and industry events, where he reports and enhances the achievements of his research and development initiatives.
Person IconSatoshi Miyaji
Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 9, Japan​​​​​

Dr. Miyaji has a long history of participating in the ITU-T SG9 (“television and sound transmission, and integrated broadband cable") almost for twenty five (25) years as an expert of broadcasting and telecommunications particularly for cable television networks and services. He served as Vice Chairman of SG9 and Chairman of WP1/9 for eight (8) years in 2009 - 2016. At the WTSA-16 (General Assembly of ITU-T), he has been appointed as Chairman of SG9 for the Study Period 2017 - 2021, and continues to serve for the current Study Period 2022 - 2024. He works for KDDI Corporation, Japan, and he had been in charge of development of cable TV set-top box with Android OS capability for 2008 – 2014 which was also standardized as ITU-T J.295 and J.296, and had been responsible for entertainment content delivery business such as video streaming, music distribution, e-books, live concert, etc. for 2015 - 2022. Since 2023, he has been responsible for developing the company's technology development strategy and research and development strategy as Deputy General Manager of Technology Strategy Division, KDDI Corporation.​

Person IconRoberto Hirayama
Co-Rapporteur ITU-D Q2/1

Roberto Mitsuake Hirayama, currently Advisor at the Regulations and Planning Department of Anatel (Brazilian Telecommunication Regulatory Agency), has lots of experience on the Telecom sector, having worked in telecom manufacturers, large and medium sized telecommunications operators and for 18 years at several departments of the Regulatory Agency (Anatel), especially on Planning and Regulation/Policy roles and in the discussions for the adoption of the Brazilian Digital Terrestrial Television System (SBTVD-T) and the discussion on the transition and analogue switch-off currently been performed in Brazil. In ITU, Roberto has been following ITU-T and ITU-D activities since 2008, both in the ITU-T in Study Groups 9 and 16, where he helped standardizing the IPTV/DTV middleware Ginga (H.761), alongside with R&D institutions of Brazil(PUC-Rio, UFJF, and UFPB) and also in ITU D in Study Group 1, where he is Vice-Chair for the Americas and Co-Rapporteur of Question 2/1. ​​​​​​​

Thiago Aguiar Soares
ITU-R SG6, Ministry of Communications - Brazil

Thiago Soares holds an M.Sc. in electrical engineering – telecommunications, from the University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil, and a post-graduation degree in telecommunications regulation from the National Institute of Telecommunications (INATEL). He has extensive international experience including over 15 years as a member of the Brazilian delegation, actively participating in international telecommunications forums such as Mercosul SGT-1, CITEL, ITU-D, and ITU-R.  Currently, he is Vice-Chairman of ITU-R SG6 and Vice-Chairman of the Working Group on Broadcasting of CITEL PCC. II.  Thiago held the position of regulatory specialist at the National Agency of Telecommunications (Anatel) for 12 years and led various projects on frequency planning, digital television, digital radio, spectrum policies, broadcasting technical regulation, and IT systems implementation. Since 2020, he has been Head of Innovation & Regulation of Broadcasting Services in the Brazilian Ministry of Communications, being responsible for developing public policies for the broadcasting sector, including innovation strategies for next-generation broadcasting systems.  

Carlos Lugo Silva​ 
ITU Regional Office for the America

Carlos Lugo Silva, Doctor of Law, Specialist in Telecommunications Law, with a master’s degree and a Doctorate in Science and Technology. Between 2018 and 2021, he served as Commissioner Director of the Communications Regulation Commission of Colombia, he has served as Head of Innovation of the Ministry of Education, Director of ICT Appropriation of MINTIC, Member of various boards of directors for the ICT sector such as Public Media and Television System RTVC, Zoom TV Channel, Computadores para Educar among others in Colombia, he has been a professor at universities such as La Sabana and the Externado University of Colombia and President of Council at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira y UNAD. Currently he works as an Officer for the Americas Regional Office at International Telecommunications Union, from where he manages programs and projects for the Central American area and serve as regional focal point of Capacity Development and Members and Partners Relations for Americas Region.​​

Aldo Cugnini

Aldo Cugnini is Co-Chair of the ITU-R SG6 WP6A Rapporteur Group on ATSC 3.0, and has participated as a U.S. Delegate in the meetings of SG6 for several years.  He has been involved in digital terrestrial television broadcasting for over 25 years, and is currently a consultant to various broadcasting and consumer electronics companies. He holds a BS and MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science.